
How much should I pay for a Personal Trainer?

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I have someone who will train me. I know he knows what he is doing. He is giving me a workout plan, nutrition plan, and will come to my house to train me. What is a fair price to pay for this. Keep in mind, he is not certified and i may be one of the first people he is training. This is what he wants to do for a living eventually. So what do you think?




  1. mine membership fee is rs.500 . and instructor takes rs.2500.

    includes all fee. its a high tech gym . depends on number of active members in it.

  2. To give you an idea of what certified and insured trainers get:

    My trainers are all certified and carry the appropriate insurance as well as bring equipment. In-home sessions run around $85 per session, depending on which package the client buys. In gym sessions run anywhere from $45-$125 depending on the quality of the gym, location, and certification levels of the trainers.  Typically in-home costs more than at the gym (to account for trainer's drive time, hauling and purchasing equipment, insurance they have to carry, etc.) .  Personally, I would not recommend using someone who doesn't have the certification or training necessary to customize a workout plan to your fitness level or determine a nutrition plan for your body.  Many gyms hire apprentice trainers and train and pay for the apprentices to get certified before they even start with clients.  These apprentice trainers are then supervised by experienced professionals and have someone to run their programs by to ensure they are doing what is effective and healthy for you once they do become certified.  Many of these gyms offer sessions with these trainers at a reduced rate, so it might make sense to ask at your local gym if you need to save some money.

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