
How much should I pay for wedding photography?

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I'm on a serious budget since I'm paying for my wedding myself. I've always heard that you don't skimp on the photographer. That makes sense, but I've never done this before, so I have no clue what a good wedding package would be.

Can anyone give me a ballpark figure? Or a range? How much is TOO much?




  1. Well, I don't think there is such a thing as "TOO" much, except in regards to your personal budget.  In my area, the professional photographers are around $5000.00 but you can sometimes find ones for around $2000.00.

  2. I've seen people pay $500 to $50,000 on wedding photography.  It really depends on the photographer how much you wind up paying, some are good and expensive, and others are good and very reasonably priced.

    This website is helpful, you can put in your zip code (in the US) and it can tell you what the average wedding costs in your area.  It breaks it down by each budget item, clothing, venues, photography, etc., so that SHOULD give you a decent ballpark.  

    Good luck!

  3. Check the local photographers on the internet and go to their businesses. Talk to them and get an estimate.

  4. That is difficult...

    My friend paid $400.00 for her photographer...I paid $4000.00 for mine. There was a big difference in package size...lenght of For example...I had 3 photgraphers all day long from before the ceremony through the reception...I got all of the proofs in  albums to keep...all of the CD's (7 of them)...engagement portrait...and a 120 page italian leather handbound wedding album...PLUS I got the copyrights to the I can make as many copies as I want. She did not charge me for every photo.

    If you are on a serious budget...perhaps you could contact your local college art department. I am sure they have photography students who aspire to be professional photographers. Ask to see a portfolio of their work. It may not be wedding stuff, but you should be able to get a sense of their style. I would think you gcould get them CHEAP. Always draw up some sort of contract though...with ALL of the specifics.

    The photographer is IMPORTANT. It tell the stories that memories forget...and that you were too busy and out of it to see on your wedding day. I choose NOT to have a videographer because we hired an awesome photographer...but regretted it after the wedding. Believe it or won't remember a lot of the day.

    Good Luck! and Congratulations

  5. I've heard as little as $500 and up from there. My sisters friend paid around $100,000 because she used a celebrity photographer. Most of us cannot afford that, but I would be leery of a $500 photographer. So it depends on what you want, but I agree that you should not skimp on the photographer. Ask friends/family if they know of someone; referrals give you a place to start. Also, make sure that you see their work, and that everything that you want is in the contract.

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