
How much should I pay her?

by  |  earlier

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My husband's aunt is going to come to my house to watch my baby ( I'm 36 weeks pregnant) She is 62 she lives 1 or 2 miles away from us, She will be coming 2 days a week for 4 hours.

I live in Florida




  1. $40-50

  2. I find that a bit odd. In my family, we all would do it for free without hesitation, i mean thats part of what families do afterall, look out 4 1 another...i dunno i suppose our family just works n a different way ]

  3. Is she going to do cleaning and cooking too ?

    If so, I would say about $70-$100 a week..

  4. I would OFFER her $50 a week, and see what she says. Maybe she wants nothing, and just wants time with the baby.

    I think personally $50 would be acceptable to pay her if she is reliable, and is caring for the baby and not cleaning, etc.. Does she know CPR?

  5. Well my daughter is in daycare and she goes 2 days a week for 8 hours and I olny pay 64 every week and thats with me only bringing diapers and stuff all food included

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