
How much should I sell my Creative Zen 2GB Mp3 player for?

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I am selling my old Creative Zen V 2 GB Mp3 player to a very good friend. I do not want to charge her much, and I honestly don't care for it. It is a Zen V, not V Plus. There are only minor scratches on the screen and the player has a tendancy to crash once in awhile. I used it for about 6 months and its been unused since. Any suggestions? Thanks much in advance :)




  1. Look it up on eBay and see what they're going for.--Check completed listings and "Buy It Now" sales.  What I do for friends is find the market price and then charge them half.  That way you're not getting taken advantage of by giving it away for nothing, and your friend gets a really good deal.  Plus, if it has problems, they can't be mad at you because you gave them a great deal.

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