
How much should I sell my flute for?

by Guest59373  |  earlier

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I have a Vinci flute and it is in great condition. I mean I've had it for three years. It includes: thebox, flute cleaner, stick, Case, attachable flute pocket, and gloves. I don't know how much to sell it for also where I mean on ebay or at the music store? Thanks.




  1. i have i flute i got mine for about 100 new. but it is not a flute u see in professional band. for yours i would say 250, with all that stuff. or 150 or so.

  2. I think it matters what kind of Vinci flute it is, because I saw prices range a lot online.

    I saw most around 180-300 new, so I would probably sell for 50 to 120 since it's used.

    But, that's my best guess. I don't know too much about flutes, just trying to help =]

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