
How much should a 3 month old yellow lab be fed a day?

by Guest56158  |  earlier

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We have been feeding her a cup a day ( half at 8 and half at 5). She acts like shes never eaten before. do i need to split it into 3 times a day or do i need to give her more? Or do i need to do both? She is being fed Blue Buffalo Large Breed Puppy just in case someone is wondering.




  1. Our three month old yellow lab is currently eating 3/4 cup, three times a day. Our full grown yellow lab only eats 1 cup a day (1/2 in the a.m. and 1/2 at night). Our vet recommended keeping the puppy on three feedings until she is totally house trained. (Their pooping schedule will be a little more reliable). They can eat a lot at this age...just make sure they get significantly less as they get older.

    Oh, and by the's a lab! They will always act like they have never eaten before! Its totally normal! You could give it a full bag of food and it would still be hungry! Good luck - they're the best!

  2. I am a dog owner my self and I would like to say at least two cups a day.( one cup  before noon and one at 6:00p.m ish) and take the food bowl away at 8:00p.m. so that way you know that she won't go poo or pee in the house even if there is still food in the bowl.


    She might be one of those dogs who just eat fast. you never now.

    Because I had a dog like that.

  3. 3 times per day and more than that....

    PLEASE contact your reputable breeder,, they will be able to mentor you ...

  4. A three month old is growing so give him a cup a day(half in the morning half at night)

  5. When my Labs were puppies we filled the bowl and kept it full.  Then at about three months we fed them a full cup in the morning and a full cup in the evening.  We kept them active though, and it helped them pack on some weight and muscle.  Once they just about reached  a year old, we dropped it to 1/2cup in the morning and a full cup in the evening.  Shortly after that, 1/2 cup in the AM and 1/2 cup in the PM.  It took a while to adjust to how much to feed them, but after a while we finally figured it out.  If all else fails- call your vet.  Good luck with your adorable new puppy!  Labs are the best!  (btw, I haven't heard of Blue Buffalo, but we feed ours Natures Recipe- it is all natural and has no fillers, wheat, corn.  It helps keep them fuller longer, and less "runny")

  6. Labs are voracious eaters - there are an awful lot of overweight labs out there.

    Check with your vet, but also the recommendation on the bag.

    Blue Buffalo is a good brand, too - much better than the Science Diet/Iams/Eukanuba c**p  

  7. it will need 3 meals a day untill its 5 months old. I say maybe 3-4 cups a day, little more little less. Since shes growing they need a lot. If you ask your vet they will tell you how much you should give her.

  8. It is recommended to feed three meals daily until she reaches six months of age.  As to how much, it is dependent on the type of food you are feeding.  Blue Buffalo is a great food and Large Breed food is what you need to feed for a lab puppy.  As to how much?  Follow the directions on the bag of course!  I'm posting the link to Blue Buffalo's large breed puppy formula page.  Toward the bottom you will see the recomending feeding guidelines for this type of food.  So depending on age and weight, you can figure out how much it is recommended to feed over one day.  

    I'm assuming your puppy is between 21 and 50 pounds at three months of age.  Thus, looking at the chart, it looks like it is recommended to feed between 1 1/2 cups and 3 cups a day.  I would really reccomend feeding about 1 1/2 cups over the day (in three meals) and if she seems to need more up it to 2 cups.  Watch her weight and make sure she is not eating in excess and becoming fat.  

    here's your link:

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