
How much should a babysitter charge?

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i am 19 and experienced and was thinking $12 an hour? (australian) and also should this increase say after 11 pm or something? is this reasonable?




  1. you should do it for free because you love kids


    $15 hr. flat rate -no increase except for weekend nights

    the key is you have to sell yourself

    let the parents know they couldn't be leaving the little

    ones in better hands. etc

  2. $12 is reasonable and definitely charge more after 11 pm maybe even double because it is a struggle to get kids to bed by yourself if you don't know their routine and they are excited about parents being gone.  It is also an inconvenience, possibly dangerous also, for you to be out that late alone with someone's kids.

  3. I think it depends on how many kids you babysit at a time, as well as their age (the more kids, the more you charge/the younger, the more you charge) 10-12 an hour sounds reasonable...don't do the whole increasing after a certain time just complicates things.

  4. We pay our babysitter 9 US dollars/hour--I'm not sure how this converts.  I don't know about increasing it after 11 unless you are doing something else like cleaning, this is usually an easier time for my sitters as the kids are in bed and they can talk on the phone, watch TV or use the computer.  

  5. Hmm... I don't know about Australia, but where I live that is pretty expensive. I would consider lowering the price.  

  6. i hate the number 12 so do $13 an hour!

  7. I would say no more than $10/hr, remember you don't have to pay taxes on $ you earn for babysitting, you're paid under the table.  I wouldn't increase it after 11pm, the kids are sleeping, that's the easiest part of the job, some people pay less for after the kids are in bed.

  8. I give my 12 year old babysitter $5/hr, but I ALWAYS round it up a little bit, so maybe it works out to $6/hr. She also cleans up after the kids go to bed and will fold socks if there is some. I have 2 kids- 4&7, and I'll give her $10-15 more if my nieces are there too.

    I think $12-15 is ridiculous. When I did in-home daycare I charged $5/hr for babies and $25/day for preschoolers. You shouldnt make more than minimum wage. Im just a waitress now, so sometimes I only MAKE $45 a night or so... You'd make more then me!!!

  9. $15.00/hr  who kids are you babysitting angelina jolies thats a full time paying job lol!!!  id agree with the $3.00 or mayby even $5.00/hr

  10. it depends on the income of the family. Some families are just not going to be able to pay as much as others.  

  11. Not sure about there but here $3/hr per kid is the norm for a babysitter but that is in the US so not sure what Australians would consider normal.  

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