
How much should a beginning liscensed insurance person earn vs. someone who isn't liscensed?

by Guest63610  |  earlier

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So I just started working at State Farm. They have told me I am doing a great job, and I know I am doing things well. I have been there for about a month. The agent would like me to get liscensed. I live in CA, and earn $10 as of right now. How much should I ask my agent to pay me an hour once I get licensed?




  1. most insurance professionals dont earn a salary, they are paid on commission only unless you have proven track record for production.  And if you get licensed you could make more money by becoming and independent insurance agent and contracting with companies through a brokerage.  with state farm, if you sell their products you can only sell their products so you only have a few options for your potential clients.  If you want more info on this please contact me and i would be more than happy to explain it to you.  been in the insurance industry since i was 18 years old.

  2. If you're doing CSR work, and they want you to get your license for that, getting the license won't give you any extra money - you're STILL completely inexperienced.  But it will let you keep your job, and give you potential for growth.

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