
How much should an 8 yr old get from the tooth fairy?

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How much should an 8 yr old get from the tooth fairy?




  1. $1

    I used to .25 cents but that was 22 years ago.

  2. A dollar is a reasonable price.

  3. $2 is a good amount

  4. $2 is about right.  

    Also, there is nothing wrong with your 8 year old believing in the tooth fairy, and you are not stunting their growth by allowing it.  In addition, any 6 year old that has been told by their parents that Santa doesn't exist unless they are forced to by the child finding out another way is robbing the kid of one of the pure joys of childhood a little young.  It's not insulting a child's intelligence to allow them a belief in imaginary characters that establish and enforce good moral character.

  5. $1.00 max.

    Don't set the bar too high because you will want to increase gifting in the future. If you are too generous now then there will be a let down, through no fault of their own, if you can't produce bigger and better in years to come.

  6. Two bucks.

  7. 2 $ or so. i guess it is realy up to the parents. but keep in mind 8 year olds dont have a whole lot to spend money on. lol. i think i got a buck sometimes, and i think i got 5 bucks at other times. it depends i guess on what you feel is good as a parent. blessings

  8. I give my daugter a dollar. The last time she lost a tooth though, she was at her aunts house, and they did not have change so left her a $5 bill!! Now she expects it lol. Luckily she hasnt lost anymore teeth yet:)

  9. $1., which is what i used to get 25 years ago.  so taking inflation into consideration it should be about $15, now.

    but with the cost of gas going up i guess the tooth fairy can only give $1.

  10. 2 dollars is what i gave my kids

  11. It depends on what you can afford.  You should give what you think is right.  Is it the child's first tooth to fall out.  We always give a little more for the fist tooth.  My son's fisrt tooth fell out while he was on a sleepover at his granmother's house, of course she gave him $20, which I think is way too much.  Since then we give $5 a tooth.  I still think that is a lot too.  So what ever you feel is right.

  12. Somewhere around $1-4. If it's the first tooth, then maybe $3 or $4. Just remember to be sneaky; I once caught my dad putting a dollar under my pillow!

  13. what we do is give $2 for the regular teeth and $3-$4 for the molars

    Shoot when I was growing up and lost my teeth we got 25 cents per tooth!!!!  LOL

  14. MOM!!!!!!give her a cookie

  15. my son is 5 and I left him $5 that is what my mom use to leave me she would also leave me a little present as well and I will with my son the next time he looses a tooth I just didn't have any time last time!!

  16. I agree with SaRaH. I used to give my daughter $5.00 and at the age of 7 she came to me and said mom I know the tooth fairy is not real so can you put $5.00 under my pillow every week?

    By 8 come on, they know the truth

  17. Oh wow, the kid can still get money even if she doesn't believe in the tooth fairy!  It's all in good fun.  I doubt she believes in it...

    I'd say $1-2 per tooth, and maybe $3-5 for special teeth like the first one, last one, first molar...

  18. If my kids haven't figured out the truth about the tooth fairy by the time they are eight, I tell them.    Before they turn eight, they get $1.00 per tooth.   At eight and older, they take the tooth outside, bury it in the garden, and make a wish on it.

  19. Do you honestly like Lieing to your child about the tooth fairy? I think 8yrs is a little to far to be going with the tooth fairy. Besides my daughter is 6 yrs old has lost 5 teeth and she knows the tooth fairy is a lie...and we also dont play santa...shes to smart for that stuff....Maybe you should go ahead and have a word with her about the REAL tooth fairy! Her mommy and daddy

    this isnt meant in a bad way...I think at 8 yrs old it might be best to tell her the'd hate it if she caught you in a I did my mom..

  20. It depends on what you think is suitable

  21. for a first tooth my sister gives her kids $4 for every tooth after that they get $2.

  22. normally a dollar and use a dollar coin it will make them feel even more special.

  23. My husband and I had a really hard time agreeing on this subject. When my daughter lost her first tooth my husband left $10!! I was not happy as I think that was absurd. For every additional tooth she has been getting $6 which I still think is too much but once the bar is set that high it is hard to go much lower. If you and your spouse don't agree make sure that you both realize kids lose a lot of teeth and it adds up quickly, wish I had been more convincing to my hubby, lol.

  24. My mom aways gave me a dollar

  25. well I always gt like 2-5 dollars so..

    hope that helped!

  26. I used to get 1 dollar for the front teeth and 2 dollars for the "big" teeth (at the back) - lol don't ask why!


  27. give the child his age amount so he can learn to manage money at a early age an get money from the fairy

  28. $2 to $3. Or sometimes the tooth fairy leaves toys (no more than $5) or fruit snacks or gum.

  29. The going rate in our house is $1 per tooth.

    I go to the bank and get the gold dollar coins. The kids think they are special dollars. Its like treasure.

  30. as much as you want to give them but don't give them any more than 1 dollar or they will think that every time they lose a tooth they have to get a lot of money

  31. 75 cents... its not her first tooth right?

    THAT one is always the one you keep and give them the most $$ for.. and sometimes the last celebrating her growth out of "older toddler-hood"...

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