
How much should an active seven year old boy be eating daily??

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My little seven year old nephew moved in with us and he eats like a hoss! He is slinder and tall and very muscular. He plays soccer almost everyday for an elite league. He is seven and plays on a select league with 10-12 year olds. So he works hard. Plus when he comes home he is outside playing soccer and running.

Yesterday a.m. I gave him a bowl of Khashi cereal with 2% milk and he wanted more so I have him a banana. Then about 10 am he wanted a snack and I gave him 2 apples b/c he said he was hungry. Then at lunch he had a turkey sandwhich with carrot sticks, an orange and banana. Then before dinner he had strawberries. Then at dinner he had two bowls of homemade chicken veggie soup and a banana. He is ALWAYS hungry. When he is hungry aside from dinner and lunch, i only give him fruits and he is pleased. I just want to make sure he isnt eating b/c he is bored. Is this normal, is it b/c he is growing and VERY active?? How many calories should he have? THANK YOU!!




  1. He sounds normal to me. Keep up what you are doing.

  2. Wow, you da bomb. what are you  doing asking for ADVICE are doing SO well...keep up the good work, and when I have more kids, I'll send them to your house to eat...

    not a bad answer from Bee, but apparently she does not know that there is plenty of protein in chicken soup and turkey sandwiches, cheese is full of fat (and expensive) and there is lots of sugar and fat in peanut butter...tsk tsk, Bee...

  3. I can so relate to your question my son is 6 and it seems like he's a bottomless pit sometimes. He will come home from school hungry, and shortly after dinner he's hungry again. I do the same for him...I offer popcorn or fruits for a snack and this seems good for him. He's not overweight so I dont worry about it as long as I know he's eating the right foods. I've also never been the kind of parent who says he has to eat everything on his plate. I tell him to stop eating when he's not hungry and this has helped him to understand that food is for nourishment and not for emotional reasons (ie...bored, tired,etc..)

    I think it's just a really big growth period for them and they really do feel hungry all the time and your son is no different than mine. Especially if he's so active I wouldn't be concerned about counting calories at all, as long as he's getting the right food. Maybe try and up his protein though. From your post it doesn't seem like he's getting much fat or protein in his diet. I offer my son cheese, low fat yogurt, and peanut butter to try and up his protein intake.

  4. The proof of the pudding is that he is not fat, and he is not sitting around. Just wait until he's 14 or so, he'll be eating twice as much.

    My 15 year old son probably burns 3,000 calories a day. As long as he gets enough protein, fruits and veggies, it is fine to load up the rest of his calories in carbs. You can offer bread, or pretzels as well as bananas.

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