
How much should i ask for a 1989 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 4X4, that won't start due to starter problems???

by  |  earlier

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The Jeep is in pretty good shape a few dents and dings here and there and the paint is faded. I just want to get rid of it, but I don't want to give it away. It's an old car and it is NOT in mint condition, it's almost 20 years old.




  1. i have bought them from the 500 to the 2000 range depending on the body

    the thing is a unibody so the body maks a big difference on the price

    fix the starter you will be able to get a couple hundred more if the starter is fixed


  2. Jeeps are very unreliable

    if you want to sell it to person and not a junk yard it needs to start  and run.

    as is $100

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