
How much should i bring with me in Scotland??

by  |  earlier

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I like to spend 2 weeks vacation in Scotland. so i want to know how much money i suppose to bring with me to cover all the period but without shopping because this is another thing.Please give me the cost with GPB currency.




  1. If you have not yet paid for your hostel or hotel, have to pay for all your meals and want to do a bit of sight seeing on top of that, bring at least 75 pound per day for eating out or at least 60 pound per person per day for buying your food in a supermarket and doing your own cooking.

    If you have a bank card it is best to leave your money in your account and use your card to get it out. There are ATMs all over.

    You do not write where you are from, but if you are from outside the UK, check with your bank that your card is ready for use abroad and what each use will cost you.

    If you have a credit card, you can bring that too, so you have a back-up system.

  2. That depends on a lot of things.  Are you going alone or with other people?  Are you bringing a car or taking public transport?  Are you staying in hotels or hostels?  Are you staying in one city, or travelling around the country?  What time of year are you going?

    I think the least you can get away with spending is £400 - £500, if you still want to do a little bit of sightseeing / other touristy things (this is living frugally and staying in a hostel in only 1 city).  You can cut that down to £250 if you sit in a hostel all day and only eat beans and toast.

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