
How much should i charge 4 cutting grass?

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How much should i charge 4 cutting grass?




  1. if your doing it by yourself you should charge $35.

    but if your doing the yard with another person then you should each get  $17.50

    trust me ive mowed plenty of yards!!!!!

  2. 50 a yard

  3. Yard maintenance, including lawn mowing is usually charged out on a per hour basis regardless of the number of people doing the job.

    The rates where I live range from $30.00 per hr to $50.00 per hr.

    I would emphasise that the higher rates are charged by contractors on ride-on mowers doing large flat areas.

    If you are doing back yards of private residents and are over 18 years you would fit into the $30.00 when you start. To charge this fee you need to do a professional job leaving the paths clean. A whipper snipper is used to trim the edges back on the footpaths and a blower is used to clear away any loose rubbish.  

    If you are setting up like this you must have insurance against injury for yourself and any employees.You charge $30.00 per hour for each of you if there is more than one because you should get the work done in twice the time.

    Once you earn over $75,000 you must register for the GST. You must keep all receipts and invoices for tax returns. Buy a plastic cake keeper and put them in it to take to your accountant/bookkeeper. It is waterproof and better than a shoe box.

    If you are just using a push mower to earn some pocket money after school or on weekends then I would charge about $15.00. You won't have the equipment to do a professional job but will probably still leave the lawn clean and tidy when you are finished. This can lead to work experience if you want to work for a landscaper or set up your own business when you finish school.

    Happy Lawn mowing!!!

  4. It depends on the size of the yard. If I were you I would charge 10$ every half hour.

  5. I sometimes have to write reports for patients who can no longer do the mowing and home maintenance themselves, and the recommended fee is usually around $ 38 - $ 40 per month for 6 winter months, and fortnightly for 6 months of summer. That's for a session of 2 hours. You could look into your local paper and see what others charge. Or give some gardeners from the yellow pages a call.

  6. ummm.. i dont know about the amount. but i'd say atleast 20 an hr. depending on how old you are. if your over 18 you could probably charge more and get away with it

  7. 1) sm $30ish

    2) med $40ish

    30) Lg $50 and up

    Bagging/disposal extra.That's mow and weed eat,don't sell yourself short and give your work away.

    I am constantly being approached by owners,they will mow for $19.95.Well $10 for gas to get there and back,blew off 1/2 day and only made 10 bucks.I don't tell them where to go to the square inch,but a very descriptive start.

    I'm in it to make a living,not a hobby.

    Good Luck

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