
How much should i charge for babysitting 2 kids?

by  |  earlier

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im nineteen and ill be babysitting two babys overnight and whenever im needed. the kids are 10 and 20 months. i dont have my childs cpr but i am taking child developement classes to become a preschool teacher, i also have experience with kids and babysitting. i was thinking 60 dollars a day for 8 hours but im not sure.




  1. i think the first trwo answers are good-babysitting is hard work

  2. I paid $25 a day for 1 child... so I would think that $60 a day is good.

  3. i use to babysit families back in mequon wi i got my first babysitting job when i was 12 yrs old.  i got paid 50.00 on my first babysitting job.  i never judged newcomers very much i would take some chances with a new family when i took a new babysitting job on in mequon wi for this family i had no idea the father was an alcoholic big time there when i walked into the kitchen when they were eating dinner i noticed the father downing a 12 pkg of miller lite beer right in front of his kids yikes the kids in this family that i babysat for looked like the adam's family kids.  the father would go out bowling with his wife and he would get totally wasted there by drinking liquor until he was completely intoxicaed and then he would come home and start physically beating up his downs syndrome child there.  then he said i will drive you home now miss i smelled booze on his breathe and said no thank you i will walk back to my house and in the future don't ever call me to babysit your kids again good day m'am i said smiling.

    see i lived in the country so the police officers highly patrolled that area when i was walking home with another friend of mine she said mary someones following us to our house i looked over my shoulder and it was the kids boozed out father following us back to our house so i flagged down a patrol car a s**y police officer that looked like doogie howser md asked me what was wrong i told him i just finnished babysitting that weirdos family and he is drunk as a skunk sir i said serriously and he said i will drive you home right in front of his kids and his wife i said no thankyou i don't accept rides from booze heads that pay you nothing for babysitting and don't ever call me to babysit your family again until you get some help for your alcoholic problem here his wife looked a bit confused when she heard me talk to her husband like that.

    don't be intimidated by the parents when meeting them it shows a weak sign there if a parent has a serrious problem like drinking driving, molestering and etc don't be afraid to stand up to that parent and tell that parent he or she needs some help for their problems there.

  4. you are GOLD  Every parent is looking for you.  $10 an hour at the least

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