
How much should i charge to install glass sliding doors to someones deck?

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How much should i charge to install glass sliding doors to someones deck?




  1. 6 grand

  2. same again £150 a day till job done in theory could be done in a day so 150 not a bad figure if its longer you're quids in.

    you don't want to underprice urself to cheaply and gets sh*&tloads work but don't earn good money. must be competent though. to get away with charging that. I had a similar problem when i used to repair cars how much you charge needs to reflect ur knowledge,experience,competency and negotiation..!.. skills

  3. That would depend a lot on if you know how and how good a job you do.

  4. $150

    With the work involved,you shouldn't do it for less if it's the only job your doing at that place.

  5. The max you should be chraging for labour is 80 bucks and hour and the margin for profit on parts should be list price if your getting the contracters discount.

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