
How much should i charge to watch a four month old in my home?

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I have a friend who wants me to watch his 4 month old daughter in my home. He has offered to pay me 35 dollars a day from 7:00-4:00 2 or 3 days a week. I have a 15 month old son of my own but other than that I have no experience with infant care other than babysitting when i was a teen. I just dont think this sounds like a lot of money but i have no idea what is fair. considering he is a friend of mine i dont want to ask for too much and make him seek child care else where. i dont know if he wants to do this under the table or not.




  1. If he seeked a child care center honey he would be paying about $100-$150 a week..I think no matter how many days it is. So I think if its 2 or 3 days a week and all day and he is a friend....Id say $40 a day at the least..and yes it will be more them likely under the table. But if the child is a problem, crying, extra attention whatever I would let him know that he is taking time from your own child and you will have to stop or he needs to bring over something for the child to be happy and/or content in.


  3. check with other daycare providers

  4. $35 is heaps over here in Australia. I would not ask for more unless you had to buy her more dippers or something, then i would charge him more

  5. $35 is a very, very high rate around here (Minnesota). I am currently paying $25 a day for a 5 1/2 month old. If you live in a large city, that is probably a pretty accurate price.

    Edit: In the U.S. it is legal to have one 'family' in your care without being licensed.

  6. im in vancouver canada, and i have 3 friends who all run real independant day care out of their homes (hopefully one of them will help me out when the time comes) one charges 30, one 35 and one 40 a day for a full 7 to 5 day, some include food and some not, but i know when i was talking to the ones charging the lesser they thought 40 was outrageous

    its up to you what you want to charge, 30 doesnt sound liek a lot but when these ppl are watching 3 or 4 kids and spending time with their own each day, 120 a day is more than theyd be making on minimum wage not seeing their babes

  7. Im sure it would be under the table, especially since you aren't liscensed or running an actual business. $35 a day doesnt sound like much when you put it that way but when you add it up thats and extra $300-$400 in your pocket to stay home with your baby and just add an extra one to the bunch. id think it would be worth it and if its a good friend youd really be helping him out.

  8. It depends on how good of a friend he is. Also what you are providing for the child. Call around to daycares in your area they should be able to give you a price. Of course you are not certified so you should probably charge less than them but you will still be providing similar care. Good luck.

  9. It really depends on where you live.  I would charge at least $5 per hour.

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