
How much should i charge(babysitting)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i am 13 years old and im going to be watching this 6 year old boy for 8 hours a day. His mom is in jail and his grandma and her "boyfrend" take care of him until 2010 or 2012. She said she will pay me a little bit of money but i dont want like a dollar an hour. Because im using this money for school shoppin(maybe). And i dont know how much to charge. I think his grandma does drugs and i KNOW her boyfriend does because they live at a drug house with the seller an obese man. I dont want to overcharge or undercharge. Because there really poor.

I have taken one babysitting class at GS(girl scout) camp. And i know CPR.




  1. If you KNOW grandma does drugs and you plan on babysitting then it is YOUR responsiblity to let CPS know of this rather than worrying about how much you are going to charge

  2. I would ask for 3.50 an hour.  Sounds like you have a tough job ahead of you.  Not with the litttle boy, but with the family.  Good Luck!!  If you need any help with how to entertain him ask me and I will be happy to help suggest some activities.

  3. Ask her what's the most she will pay you. If it's not enough for your time, refuse the job.

    I get paid 5 bucks an hour for two kids under ten, I'm happy with that.

  4. They may be poor but they're probably receiving money from the government as assistance.  Keep in mind babysitting is a really tough job.  And especially with a 6 year old boy who more than likely has issues with his mother being in jail, etc.  He may struggle with anger or other hard-to-deal-with issues.  Don't sell yourself short.  Show confidence when you tell them you charge $6 or $7 per hour.  You can always come down in price but can never go up in price.  You must make it worth your while or you'll be sorry you took the job.  I can guarantee you it's going to be harder than you could ever imagine. Especially since drugs are an issue in their family.  Personally, I wouldn't let my daughter be put into that situation.  If they're truly drugged out most of the time they could fall asleep for hours and forget all about the 6 year old boy.  Meanwhile, your 8 hours are up but there's no one capable to hand the child off to.  There could be issues with Social Services - the more I think about it the more I'd think really hard about even taking the job.  Make sure your Mom is fully aware of what is going on because she will probably have to get involved at some point.

  5. 5 bucks;...

  6. you get to charge an extra dollar for the certification!!  discuss payment with the family for whom you are working.  however, the job you are currently going to undertake is far more entailed than a 13 yr old should have.  consider watching the kid for a few hours every day till an older sitter takes over.  it's summer and you deserve fun!!

  7. ten bucks a day

  8. 2$an hour sounds fair

  9. wow...that's all I can say.

  10. Well most in home daycare situations charge between $10-$35 a day.  I wouldn't try for $35  or she will take him somewhere that is providing meals, education, and activities.

  11. $2 dollars an hour is good. Do your math, girl! 8 times 2 equals 16. $16 a day seems very good. I am 14 and i would be very grateful for $16 a day.

    Make sure they know you are getting paid. You don't want them thinking that you are doing it for $5 a day. Since they are poor, they might not be paying you hourly.

    Good Luck!

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