
How much should i drink , and what should i drink to get more than tipsy , but less than being smashed.... ??

by  |  earlier

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So i weigh about 142 pounds, and im not a crazy drinker, i maybe get smashed about once a month , sometimes even less than that. SO what should i drink , preferrably in terms of liquor and not beer, to get me more than buzzed, but not to the point where im gonna pass out ??




  1. Grey goose. If u dont wanna drink it straight, try it with cranberry juice, its really good. (or orange juice).

  2. Assuming you've eaten well and are decently hydrated when you start drinking, you'll probably need 4 to 8 shots of hard liquor over a 2 hour period. Part of it depends on how fast you drink. If you drink fast (more than 1 drink in 15-20 minutes), you get drunk faster and pass out much more easily. If you drink a little slower, you'll get a good buzz but never really get s h i t-faced. Plus if you've eaten well beforehand, your chances of getting drunk without passing out are much better.

  3. Drink anything that you like. Most liquor is 80 proof. (40% alc. by volume) Its not about what you drink its about how much you drink. But if you step up to 100 proof it will take less and if you choose 70 proff you will need a little more.

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