
How much should i feed them?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 dashunds and iI'mnot ssurehow much to feed them and i want to know if iI'mfeeding them to much or need to feed them more can any1 help? one of them is 1 and the other is 4




  1. determine there weight and then follow the instructions on the dog food bag.

  2. Start with the recommendation on the dog food bag.

    Then watch your dogs and adjust accordingly. If they're looking to thin, feed a bit more. To heavy feed a bit less.

    Your dog is at a good weight when it has a visible "waist" when viewed from above, a "tuck-up" when viewed from the side, and you can easily feel its ribs under a thin layer of fat.

    Here is a chart that will help explain the above with some visuals.

    ***I can't stand Purina foods, they are full of c**p ingredients, but there chart is good, and I haven't found another one yet.

  3. A cup of high quality corn,wheat,and soy-free food a day is fine

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