
How much should i get paid for babysitting ?

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I babysit 2 kids ages 6 and 3 . I babysit for about 4 hours average .But sometimes it could from 2pm to 10 pm or 7 am to 7pm . It all depends on if the Mom as to work early or if the dad has a Baseball or Golf . Right now i get 3 $ an hour . I think thats kinda low . What should i get paid ?




  1. Are you an adult babysitting for someone or are you a teenager. I agree with the person above...if its just a regular babysitting job, everyday...around 3.50-4 dollars. If it is so the couple can go on a date than around 6-7

    I think it also depends on how well you babysit. If you cleanup and have the kids in bed and sleeping the people may consider giving you more, but if you don't do that great of a job than they may feel the lower pay is better! I am not at all saying you do a bad job! I am just saying that maybe they think that you could improve on some things, just like everyone always can.

    Also, maybe they can't afford to pay you more?? Don't be embarrassed to ask questions to find out more of what they can afford. I sometimes babysit for my friends for free, just cause they need a date night, but can't afford a babysitter.

    I hope this helps. Keep the good job up of babysittin!

  2. if your doing it every day 3$ an hour is great!but if its like once every while it is low it should be like 6 or 7

    if you think its low talk to the parents about rasing it a little

    maybe to 3.50 or 4

    if you ask for too much they could easily find another sitter

  3. 2 kids about $6-$10 an hour.  I charge $20 for up to 4 hours per kid and $40 for anything over 4hours!  but I also give family discounts for more than one kid!!

  4. $3 per hour for 2 kids!!!!!! When I babysit 1 kid I usually get 6-8 dollars. Just be straight out with them, say that you dont think your pay is fair and that you wont continue to babysit for them. Then the parents should pay more, if they dont, its not even worth your time.

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