
How much should i get paid for this??

by  |  earlier

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this family which is about a 5 minute drive away went away and i have to watch their spastic dog and 2 cats for a week

i go there 3 times a day

and have to walk it a half mile per day and take it down to the river to swim.

i have to feed the cats and i wasnt left enouigh cat food so i have to go out and spend gas and buy the food for the cats.

i have to water all the plants in the house which when i timed it takes 30 minutes because there are SO many plants.

i also have to water the plants outside and they have gardens all around their house that need water everyday. it takes sooo long.


the house is gross...i have serious cat allergies and leave the house needing a shower otherwise my face swells AND the dog is a maniac, it literally ran at the door and opened it then ran away for 35 minutes and i finally found it on someones front lawn...when i brought the dog back to the house...

...we walked through the door and into the hallway and the dog stopped and threw up on my foot.

how much should i get paid for doing this 3 tiems a day for a week!?!?!?!




  1. 250 dollars  

  2. You should have never agreed to do this. Stop complaining b/c you probably won't get paid anything b/c you probably volunteered your time. Did they say they will pay you?

  3. I would say at least 300

  4. Sounds like you're resenting this job, especially after the dog vomited on your foot.

    if you hate it, quit! This is a free country!

  5. If you don't like doing what you do,

    you should have said no (haha),

    and I'd do the work for free!

  6. Poor thing! It has some simple chores about responsibility and is more concerned about it's payday than doing a responsible job. I think I'd just charge what you agreed on with the dog owners.....You did set a price, didn't you? If not, I think I'd just accept what they offer you, and learn a lesson about taking care of business before it bites you in the butt. For sure, don't ever get a dog for a pet! You don't have the proper mindset to properly take care of it.

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