
How much should i leave for a tip at a massage place for a swedish massage that costs $45 ?

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How much should i leave for a tip at a massage place for a swedish massage that costs $45 ?




  1. Was the massage done to your satisfaction?  I have been doing massage therapy for 15 years and it is very rare not to receive a tip.  Most of my clients tip me 20%; new ones usually 15%.  If I receive a tip that is lower than usual, I know that I probably wasn't totally on my game that day.  After each massage, I give my client a card to fill out that tells me if I met their expectations during that session.  If not, I know what I need to work on next time around.  

  2. you don't need to tip in this area of service. she'll (or he'll) accept it i'm sure, but at the end of the day you're just contributing to the country's inflation. save yourself some money.

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