
How much should i pay a baby sitter?

by Guest59922  |  earlier

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Ok, i have 2 kids 1 is going to be 2 and the other one 1, i am going to start these new job working from home, to help my husband with the bills and everything else, the offer i got at these new job is 9 dollars an our from 6 am to 12 noon, taking calls back to back,so i'm going to hire a person that i know that also have a baby (4 months old) to watch my babies, and i don't know nobody else capable to watch my babies while i work, i would really appreciate if someone tell me how much should i pay these lady for baby sitting ,fair enough for her and me. thank you.




  1. I would pay $5 a hour per child. If it's a long time job then 6 or 7!

  2. well my advice is probably not that great but i am 15 and i watch my brothers that are 1 and 2 everyday i dont get paid cause it gos twords my cell phone bill but i would say around $10 because it is pretty hard.

  3. I paid my babysitter $3.00/hour for each child when I was working full-time. That is the going rate around here. Most babysitters charge per week in my area, like $150.00per child per week for full-time. I would say if this is just something she is doing to more than less help you out I would pay her $100.00 per week. That seems reasonable to me.

  4. I would say maybe $125-$150 per week.

  5. I charge $4 dollars per kid and .50 per additional child.

    I would do 4 maybe 5 dollars an hour.



  6. I'm 19 and generally charge $3 an hour per kid (so I would charge you $6 an hour). If you also expect your sitter to clean up the house (vacuum, dishes, etc) then I would suggest $7 an hour (total... not $7 for each kid).

  7. Alot of people I know that have two kids would usually pay about 5 dollars an hour.

    Hope i helped :D

  8. for tei am a teen...i charged 5 dollars an hour for 3 kids. more htna that is additiona 1-2$ per hour.

    if it is an adult that has taining more that that dff. :D

  9. maybe $60 a week per kid. i pay $120 a week for one child for all day daycare

  10. hope this article can help you.

    Tips for choosing a baby-sitter / How should I pay my baby-sitter? and things to keep in mind when choosing a baby-sitter...

  11. umm... well you'll need the babysitter for about 6-7 hours so....20-30 dollars?

    im english so i dont know what dollars are worth to pounds so maybe higher.

  12. I usually pay minimum wage for my state...

    I used to get paid like 5 bucks an hour to watch two kids under the ages of 3.

    Really - it's what you feel is the best for your child(ren).

  13. Would you trust them to someone you'd pay less than $9 an hour to care for them?  How much less?

    How much do you have left of that $9 an hour before taxes, after paying the babysitter?

  14. if she were just a teenager i would say 4 dollars and hour, but this lady has a kid herself she is probably takein the job cuz she needs the money too. make it minimum wage, say like 5 -6 dollars and hour

  15. I pay my cousin to watch my 3 year old twins when I need a babysitter. It's only once in a while, and I pay him about $7 an hour. I figure he should get close to minumum wage, plus I know my kids are a handful. But if I were paying him that all the time, it wouldn't be worth it for me to even work. You should discuss what she wants to get paid with her. You might end up spending less than you think. Daycares usually charge about $3-3.50 per child an hour, with a discount for more than one child. Since she is not a registered daycare, you should be able to pay her less than that. Good luck.

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