
How much should i pay for babysitting my daughter?

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She is almost three.

A little angel!

It's for our 14yr old neighbour, she is a great girl who is looking for holiday work and it suits me well, i work 5 days a fortnight, 9-5 and she would be an amazing help.

My daughter would be awake the whole time; except for her nap which may happen at around morning tea, or afternoon tea and is usually 1-2hrs long of napping.

She honestly, is a good girl.

How much should i be paying Cate [babysitter] a day?

I do expect her to play with her, take her to the park, have fun, colour in, etc. & Make her lunch.




  1. Payment for babysitting services usually varies a lot with the quality and qualifications of the babysitter. Seeings as she's a youngster, minimum wage or a couple dollars over per hour should be great for her.

    When I was 13 and started babysitting, I charged the whole dollar amount over minimum wage for one hour of normal babysitting, awake or asleep. When she gets older, or if you have her stay longer into the evening, offering a small bonus of $10-20 would be appropriate.

  2. i want to babysit and my prices are 5 dollers and hour + 2 for more then one child..:D tell her to use my method..

  3. I would say $20 a day is good for a 14 year old girl.

  4. I'm sorry but i would not let a 14 year old take care of my baby.  

  5. $5 per hour is plenty and capped at $25, but if you're not sure, ask her mum. I'm sure she will want to know how much her daughter is earning and what she is doing with the money. Whilst I believe a 14 yo CAN do an excellent job babysitting, most 14 yos have no understanding of the value of money... they can also buy inappropriate things with too much of it.

  6. hi there i actually own and run a babysitting agency and i personally wouldn'tt employ a 14 year old to take care of my 3 year old... they are not mature enough to deal with emergencies ect in the spare of the moment due to age....  especially for long hours in which you speak of... what if heaven forbid your daughter hurts herself seriously at the park etc... the 14year old hasent had enough life experience to know what to do and cant drive the child to the hospital... thats just my opinion...  

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