
How much should i pay for someone to mow my lawn?6 by 9 in back and 10 by 12 in front.?

by Guest56847  |  earlier

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How much should i pay for someone to mow my lawn?6 by 9 in back and 10 by 12 in front.?




  1. Is that feet? Like 10 bucks. A neighborhood kid would be ideal.

  2. $10.00 a good round number i agree with #1 .............tom

  3. I'd say from $2-$5 for the 6 by 9 and $6-$10 for the 10 by 12. It really all depends on how good of a job they do(but tell them upfront if price varies by quality)

  4. That doesn't sound like a lot of space at all. Hopefully you can find a kid that will be glad to do it for 5 to 10 dollars

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