
How much should i pay my 13yr old to cut our grass?

by  |  earlier

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He uses a rider mower but the yard is bigger than 2 baseball diamonds. I currently pay him $5.




  1. pay him 20 maybe 25

    I am telling I wouldn't do all that for 5

  2. 20!

  3. i used to get payed $5

    my brother is 4 years older than me .. 18 & he gets payed $18

  4. you sould pay him 100k!!! lol

    but seriously pay him 20 bucks!  :)

  5. Well, judging from the local craigslist, flyers, etc $10-30 seems to be the "commercial" fee.

    I would base it on your expectation of what he uses his money for. If you are buying all his entertainment, "cool" clothes, etc and he can blow it on whatever, then he should be happy he's getting $5.

    However, if you're trying to teach him the value of work and $$ by making him pay for the "fun stuff" himself then I would consider bumping up the amount . Like enough to get into the movies, but not the snacks -- i.e make stuff reasonably attainable.

  6. I'd double it...

  7. 15-20 bucks.

  8. at LEAST $10 for sure, it sounds like you have plenty of money anyways if you have a lot of property so do you really think it will hurt to give him a little extra money??

  9. I'd say about fifteen dollars.

    My friend's parents used to give her the amount of money that her age was. She was eleven, she got eleven dollars... and so on.

    I think that works, too :).

  10. Teach him responsibility and hard work. I wouldn't pay my child anymore than $5 to cut the lawn because you want to teach them to work for what they want. That way they won't become spoiled plus they'll be happy that the reason why they get whatever it is that they get is because they earned it. Good luck and God Bless!

  11. I'd say at least 10 dollars...

    Your yard sounds really big.

  12. you should pay him 10 or 15 buckaroos

  13. That's a pretty big yard, at least bigger than most these days! I mean two baseball diamonds? I'd pay him at least $15. Just think of how much money he/she is saving you. That price would have been much different if you had hired a lawn care service to the job. But that's just my personal opinion.

    Peace & Love !

  14. My son mows our yard as part of his household responsibilities. We all have to contribute to the home so we don't pay him for this. If he has to weed-eat or do anything extra that would normally be my responsibility, we pay.

  15. if he has a problem with how much you're paying him, he should be the one choosing a new amount and explaining and convincing you why it's more fair than the original five.

  16. I would pay $20.00 for that size.

  17. Should you really have to pay him? There are many chores in life that have to be done without pay. If you pay him for cutting the grass, should you also pay him for cleaning his room? Teach him responsibility and the need to help the family as a whole. Remind him that you or your spouse cooks for him and doesn't charge him. Since you are paying him $5 now, let that stand.

  18. How long does it take?

  19. I was payed $20 for doing my yard and front and back yard alone was half an acre.

    and for those people saying free rent, You are all ridiculous. That is her son she doesn't have to raise her son like that maybe she wants him to learn to work for money I know you wouldn't work at a job for no money.

  20. around 10$

  21. Since when does a parent actually PAY a

    kid for what they should be doing in the first place???

      So, if he's a whiner and won't accept some

    responsibility for his free food, clothes, rent,

    TV, computer,new tennies, well then, you

    can ask him what he really wants besides money.  Some suggestions:  A great comic

    book he wants or school supplies he wants,

    or a new CD, or one long distance phone

    call (3 minutes only.), or a $10. gift card

    to whatever he wants for 2 lawn jobs.

  22. I wouldn't put a 13 yr old ON a riding mower!!... and, that big of a yard is not a 'regular household chore'..... anyone who does that job should get paid ... it's HOT out there!.... pay him at least HALF what it's worth to you..... and if you don't want to do it yourself, then hire it done and see what it DOES cost to have it done!!.....

  23. keep it at that let him learn responsibility, or 13 bux for how old he is. :)

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