
How much should i sell my new ipod 80 gb?

by Guest59932  |  earlier

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i bought an i pod like in February and that i pods hard drive crashed and i went to the apple store and they replaced it for free because it was in the warranty period and now i want to sell my i pod it's totally brand new no scratches but i use it a little i was thinking of selling it for $261 but idk how much should i sell it for exactly




  1. there is no way anyone is going to pay more for a used ipod than a new one. i say sell it for $200, possibly $220 if there are no scratches (and im talking about the back). when you sell it, make sure to include the box and everything that came in it.

  2. Try $250.00

  3. well the 80gb iPod only sells for $250, with everything still in the package, so no one would buy it for more than that. I'd recommend just making it a little bit cheaper or something, someone's bound to buy it. I just don't know how much. Just don't charge more than it's worth, people can buy it for $250 shipped off the Apple website.

  4. depends on where ur selling it? if your sellin it on craiglist just see how much everyone else is selling theirs for

  5. A dollar. To me.


    An 80GB refurb in your choice of color and with free shipping costs 179$. Since yours has basically no scratches, ask 150$ and go down from there as needed. 175$ if you like ripping people off as so many other CL denizens do, but certainly no 261$. In fact, that's more than YOU paid, and even the twittiest of Craigs List users will know that much as Apple MSRPs are just terribly well known.

    Basically, you've got to give somebody a reason not to get that nice shiny refurn up above that's been used about a week, was probably sent back for user error stupidity, and is now awaiting a new and frugal owner such as your potential buyers.

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