
How much should i spend on school shopping!?

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my mom asked me how much i think i should get on school shopping, and she said it had to be reasonable.

i asked her how much is around reasonable and she said 50 dollars.

(thought that was way to little)

And i shop at places like areopostale, american eagle, rainbow, the rave, and hollister




  1. ahh thats like 2 shirts!.

    my mom normally spends about 150ish, but thats cause my b day is in july so i get to spend all that money on clothes aswell.

    your mom is crazyyyyy.

    tell her fashion is EVERYTHING.

    you wanna make a good first impression on abunch of new ppl.

    i would say go to the clearance rack.

    the rave is cheap i think.

    also you should check out charlotte russe if you have one.

    they normally always have huge sale racks ranging from 25-75% off.

    and also its a great time to go shopping now cause all the sales.

    but 50 is like nothing.

    she should spend that much on you for accessories alone lol.

    good luck.


  2. Hello,

    Your mom needs to give you more than that!

    Each shirt and pants would be like 30 bucks!

    Ok telll her you need scool supplies,back pack,new pair tennis shoes,clothing but like couple shirts and pants becuase you need a lot of clothing when its winter.

  3. Now days clothes are expensive! There's a few things you can do. You can take the $50 and shop at places that are having sales. Kolh's isn't as great but is cheap and has pretty cute clothes. You could also ask your mom if you can buy what you thing will last you most of the school year and let her take out what she thinks is to expensive for what it is. Or you can ask her for $75 dollar but be sure you budget shop.

  4. If you like those kinds of stores id say closer to 200 dollars for everything.

  5. unfortunately for you, shopping at places like that won't get you anything. but if i were you, i wouldn't be afraid of the clearance racks because they actually have some good stuff without having to spend a ton of money. i would also focus more on shirts because no one really pays attention to what jeans youre wearing. i say at least $100 to get you started for the school year, but you can always go shopping later anyways.

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