
How much should it cost to install 20X20 travertine tiles in a 1800 sq ft space?

by  |  earlier

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We have the option to do it now through the builder, or take the standard flooring (carpet) and have the tile put in by a contractor after the house is done. In your price estimates please consider that we would need removal of existing carpet flooring if we went with a contractor...





  1. Whatever you do, don't have the carpet put down now. Tell the builder you want a credit for NOT wanting the carpet.

    Whoever does it you will neet to put down some type of concrete board underlayment.

    I would estimate the tile labor at around $3.00 per sq foot.

    Travertine has different prices depending on the color. Allow about $ 2.50 per sq foot to put down the cement board. A estimate on travertine tile is $ 7.00 per sq. foot.

    So you are looking at $22,000 for a good installation including the tile and cement board.

    The tile is one of the last items you want installed.

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