
How much should it costs to get a accountant to do my taxes in australia?

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How much should it costs to get a accountant to do my taxes in australia?




  1. Depends on the size/time to process the return, any ware from $95 - a few $K.

  2. You can pay anything from $50 +. It's usually about the $80 mark

  3. How long is a piece of string?

    How difficult and messy is your affair? Are we talking about you only, with your group certificate(s), and nothing else?

    In that case, you may want to see someone from H & R Block instead - they are cheaper, quick and you won't get a better deal from a "proper tax accountant". There is no need to pay extra $$$ unnecessarily.

    The rate for senior accountants at our firm from memory is around $200+< per hour. Supervisor is a bit more. Manager is a bit more. Partner is a bit more. In our firm you will also have to pay for the secretary's hour.  

    Or are we talking about your family group - small business entities with a Self Managed Superfund on the side?

    Or are we talking about....? Depends... really depends...

    Generally it all depends on how many hours we spend working on your files. Every so often you will find accountants that prepare to give you a fixed contract. My current boss does it every so often for certain clients.

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