
How much should it really cost someone to have to work from home?

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How much should it really cost someone to have to work from home?




  1. Depends on what you want to do.

    The most lucrative opportunity out there though is the affiliate marketing programs and those are not very expensive to start, all you really need is time.

    For example, one of my projects as an affiliate marketer was promoting World Wide Brands through Google adwords


    Signed up as an affiliate on World Wide Brands - 2 minutes

    Started a blog with - 5 minutes

    Wrote my review with my affiliate links (i just copied one from someone else at the time) - 15 minutes

    Set up my Google Adwords - $5,  5 minutes

    Chose my target Keywords - 20 minutes

    Set my budget to $50 for the campaign - $50, 5 minutes

    TOTAL BUDGET: $55, 52 minutes

    7 days later my budget ran out, I had made 9 refferals and $167.22. 16 days later my 9 refferals had made me $292.80.

    Of course if you plan on starting your own site you should expect to pay for the domain registration $30 or so & the hosting which might cost about $9 a month.

  2. Having done legit and investigated non-legit "work at home" opportunies, I have yet to find one where you have to pay money that is legit. A legit work at home job will not cost you anything.

  3. Those who offer legitimate jobs, don't charge and don't spam. Prudent people and under-age youngsters would avoid tempting and irresistible money making offers on Yahoo and elsewhere on the Internet. More than 99.9% of such offers are nothing more fraudulent crimes and scams against consumers who are often unpaid; pay extortionate bank charges for bounced cheques/checks, and may even earn criminal convictions/record. This tyneham alert may not be the best answer for planted questions. But it is just a little legal disclaimer to help protect online consumers all over the world. This tyneham alert is in compliance with Yahoo community guidelines and terms of service, and it has been voted/chosen as the “best answer”. It may be tested by vested financial interests in UK courts with full publishing and broadcasting news reports. For further information see tyneham profile on Yahoo Answers, or search google for tyneham answers.

  4. you shouldnt have to pay any money upfront for a genuine work from home job.

    The ones that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).


    Time & effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of forum.

    I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

    Hope it helps!

  5. Have you tried blogging?  I pay out over a thousand a month to bloggers to blog about my company.  Most make $5-$10 starting out per post.  Once you are credible and get a higher PR website some bloggers make $20+ per post.  I use PayperPost.  Also listing a legit business opportunity I am involved with below.

    I am a titanium powerseller on Ebay to give you a little background so you know I am legit and know what I am talking about. There is a new business opportunity that just started a few months ago but has been in the works for over 3 years. It works with Ebay so you know it is legit. Doesn't cost much like a lot of home businesses only $29 per month. You earn up to $35 per new customer and up to 75% in commissions from Ebay just by giving out Free software. When they use the software your Ebay affiliate ID is embedded in the software and you get the commission - 100% of it. Plus 5 more ways to make money.

    I see this as being one of the next big home businesses since it is one of the first that uses Ebay. Most home businesses only last a couple of years but with the backing of Ebay I don't see how anyone wouldn't join this opportunity. I am already doing well, but it helps that I am a titanium powerseller so I let everyone know about the new free software and then I get paid anytime they buy something from Ebay even if it isn't from me. Here is the free software so you can check it out:

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