
How much should my 5 month old be eating?

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my 5 month old just switched to 8 oz every 5-6 hours and she seems to be doing fine with that and she gets 3 oz of juice every day cuz she is always constipated and gets very little solid foods...prolly once a day since she refuses to eat her cereal anymore but my problem is at bed time...before when she was on 6 oz i never had this problem i change her diaper before she goes to bed but every morning she has peed thru her diaper and it makes her wake up alot earlier then she use to....should i maybe cut her down to 6 oz before bedtime or just deal with it?




  1. Oh! Come on! As long as she is not hungry, it doesn't matter how much oz does she eat.

  2. I wouldn't cut her milk down because she's doing great and you wouldn't want her to be hungry. If you need to give her the juice, try not to give it too late on in the day. As for her waking early, try chaining her diaper before you go to bed if you don't think it will disturb her too much. But don't worry about it because she'll soon be on solids and will very slowly take in less milk. I hope this helps.

  3. Is she refusing her evening cereal? If not, I would try giving her cereal in the evening, then she should only drink about 6 oz. If you are offering her the bottle first in the evening time, then offering solids, she's probably full. A 6 oz bottle is plenty for a 5 month old baby so I would say offer the cereal first in the evening then the bottle. I would be very surprised if she still drank a whole 8 oz. My 7 month old son wont even do that! Good luck

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