
How much should my mini be eating?

by  |  earlier

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i have a miniture horse/pony, it was gave to me from a bad home, i have him in a fence right now thats 20x40, i give him a small pile of hay in the morning along with a cup of sweet feed, then in the afternoon i get him out of the fence and let him graze for 2-4 hours and get some exersize, is this enough for himto eat? also is it a mini or a pony? his back is at my elbow, im 5'8....he looks like a horse, just smaller, hes not one of there little bitty horses.




  1. Sounds like it's just a pony, not a mini. I would probably give him a little bit more hay, like maybe one flake in the morning and one at night. As long as he is maintaining a healthy weight, don't give him any more grain. But if he loses weight, give him a little more grain. No more than a quart. After that, adjust his hay/grass.

  2. dont give him sweet feed, give him 2 cups of regular feed and small block of hay moring and night.Let him graze for about 1 hour a day

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