
How much should my three yr watch t.v?

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I think she might have add because she wont really watch tv very long. Her attenion span isnt very long. What should I do?




  1. your baby shouldn't be waching tv for that long,my cuz has been watching tv sincehe was 2 now is a game freak and he is so dull,becareful with the way you allow her to watch t.v it will just turn out to be a big **** the earlier the better you should try buying her toys and have time to interact with her this is one of the way you and your child get closer so cha cha

  2. For my  girls at that age we allowed 2 hrs in the morning 1 hr in the afternoon after lunch/naptime and 2 hrs in the evening. But at my inlaws or my parents house they dont ask to watch TV ever which I like. The only channels we let them watch are Noggin, or Public TV like Seseame street or the good night show on PBS sprout. Most of the time my youngest wont sit still long enough to watch a full show thru, unless its Diego or Something with Strawberry Shortcake. then she will. So since she wont we play simple games, follow the leader, duck duck goose, hide n seek" hard in a small house though", board games, drawing projects, crafts reading, listening to music, helping me in the kitchen. So  that helps even out their time when they dont wanna watch TV which works for me I love having them help around the house.

    They do get 1 kids movie per week but its like the Backyardigains or similar

  3. You should be spending most of your time with her letting her interact with you to learn social skills and playing skills and developing the motor neurons(connections from her brain to her extremities) so she can do well later in preschool.  If you leave her in front of the tV most of the time you will basically guarantee that later when she has mobility, you will be stuck entertaining a very selfish child of 14-25.

  4. How much should my three yr watch t.v?   Very minimally, like maybe 30 minutes per week, or if it's a rainy day and everyone is at their wits end.

    What should I do?  Are you joking?  I'm not sure why you are complaining that your 3 year old isn't watching TV.

  5. No three year old has a long attention span.  And the fact that she won't sit like a zombie in front of the TV is a good thing, despite all the preschool-targeted shows out there.  Make sure her day has structure and routine.  Cut back on sugar and processed foods. That is good for all children, and may calm your fears of ADD.

  6. 3 yr olds  have a short attention span even in front of the t.v....they always want to be on the move but if you are really concerned, take her to get son is 2 yrs old and he watches 2 hours of t.v. total but in spans a day!! My daughter at 2 years old watched the same amount of T.V. my son does now and she is very independent..a very good girl

  7. My daughter has never been one to actually sit and watch entire shows or movies on tv.  She started watching more when she was about 3, but she still doesn't stay put.  (not that I'm complaining!)  There are certain shows she will sit and watch longer than others, but she generally gets up while tv is on and plays with other things.  I don't think at this age that's a bad thing!  Occupy her time with other things like drawing, coloring, puzzles, etc.  She'll have her whole life to watch tv, give her other opportunities right now instead.  My daughter also does not have add, she's just a normal almost 4 yr. old!

  8. i have the same prom. all i do is turn the TV off and turn the radio on to something she likes and she dances to it.. dancing is a good exercise for toddlers

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