
How much should one expect their boyfriend to spend on an engagement ring?

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this was probably the stupidest question I could have ever asked. i am not a gold-digger. I do not only care about material things. And for all of you who are saying you can get a really good ring/stone for 2k or have been jipped. Rings like that come from jail jewelers where they fall apart. The stones are not certified. Poor craftsmanship thus results in a ring in constant need of repair. the minimum you are EVER going to pay for a decent diamond around the average size (.85-1.0) is probably 2,500-3,000. I should have just stuck with my own knowledge instead of the "gold-digger" accusations from others. thanks anyway everyone!




  1. I'd say you shouldn't expect him to spend any money on an engagement ring, nor should you care about the price. Help him pick one out but don't decide you like it because of the price.

  2. So, you're expecting a ring totaled at about 6400-7400? That IS a lot for a ring, unless he's making way more than he is now. Considering the 35k is his annual income. I think you should let him choose it, as it's his choice overall, and you should try and be satisfied for whatever he chooses.

  3. you are getting the responses you have because its sick you even have expectations period.  you would settle for .89-1 carat for a better grade?  what!?  how about you settle for what you get!  I couldnt even tell you what carat my diamond is and I dont even care.  its a ring...big woop...its the proposal thats important.  on his salary he would be lucky to afford that ring in the next 5 years.  hopefully hes a smart guy though, realizes his gf is a golddigger and runs the other way.

  4. Wow, it sounds like you know what you're talking about for sure. I recently got married and so went through the engagement ring stage a year+ ago. I had no idea what all that stuff meant (1.2-1.5 diamond, D-G, etc.) until after I got my ring. I just knew that the one he got for me was absolutely gorgeous and I loved it even more because it was from him and was a symbol of his love for me.I found out later that he got me a great quality ring for about $3000. He makes $55000/year (living in CT--expensive). I think that a $5-6000 ring based on the amount your boyfriend makes currently sounds like quite a bit, though.

    It does sound like you have your heart set on it though--have you ever talked with him about it? It really all depends on what he thinks and what you two decide together. You don't want to overwhelm him with your knowledge though, either. When the subject comes up, my advice for you would be to try to give him an idea of the TYPES you like ("ooh that one is nice", "I like that style"..."oh that diamond is perfect looking"...etc etc), but don't mention prices and see what his reactions are. (My husband picked my ring out all on his own, so the ultimate choices were his, but we had previously looked around at rings so he could see what I liked and didn't like.) By doing this, maybe your boyfriend will say "oh yeah, that diamond IS beautiful" or maybe he'll say "ahhh well that one is really pretty but what about this one (and point at a smaller diamond)" ... Read him...Maybe you'll be able to compromise for a bit lower priced diamond or maybe he'll be willing to splurge a lot....

    Basically, though if all you're looking for is a price range, I'd say approx. $2000 to $4000, with $4000 being on the expensive side based on his salary currently.  

  5. First off, a mature woman wouldn't 'expect' a certain one, or in a specific price range. Seems to me that anything over a grand is a fair bit for a man to spend.

    You are wrong in your last additional comments - chain stores have certified diamonds, very good quality workmanship - and absolutely lovely rings at great prices.

    I think it might be best that you let your bf choose the ring so he can truly buy within his own budget - and I hope you let him read this posting and responses.

    If you don't like what he buys, save your money and buy yourself some giant bling for a dress ring.

  6. An engagement ring that costs $5,000 will end up costing almost $10,000 if you get it using a credit card or a financing plan. If you expect to live together after you get married, and I assume you do, it's better to go with a small ring now and upgrade later.

    The average is 1/2 a carat, but I don't really know anybody who has 1/2 a carat- most women I know either have a tiny ring if they got engaged very young, or a larger one.

    My ring is 3/4. My husband made and still makes really good money, but a carat looked gaudy on my hand, since I am very petite and I have small hands. Plus, I cared much more about it being a conflict-free diamond than about it being certain size or clarity.

    You're both 23, and you've just started building your credit records, there is no need to tarnish them with unnecessary loans. Get what you can afford to pay for in cash without getting in debt, and spend the rest of the money on a down payment for a house, a master's degree, or a lovely honeymoon. Both have much higher rates of return than a ring with perfect clarity.

    Engagement rings are way overpriced compared to non-engagement typical diamond rings because of the emotional appeal. If you are willing to go with a non-traditional style you can get a better diamond and a better ring for much cheaper.

    Since I am very active, I hardly wear my rings anyway.

  7. the average price is $1,000. men are expected to spend between a 2 week and a 1 month paycheck

  8. $5000 or $6000 is a lot of money for a ring. If you guys can easily afford it at the time of your engagement, then go for it, but it's pretty hard to determine the right amount to spend when we don't know what income you guys will have, or what bills.

    My ring is costing $AUS3500. We have no debts and no children and can afford it. I'd marry him if it cost way less.

    Just let him work it out when he wants to propose.

  9. Hmmm....if the ring is the most important thing on your mind, concerning getting married, you are not ready.  Really, it shouldn't matter what his income is.  IF he chooses a ring, with all his heart, & chooses to propose to you, isn't that enough?  If it comes from his heart, that should mean more to you than all the diamonds in the world.  

    ~Good Luck!

  10. You can't really predict it.

    I have friends and family with really great incomes ($100,000+) and they didn't spend more than $1000.

    The most that one of my friends spent was $3000 and he had to get a loan (he was a student and worked part-time). It's a shame because they broke up and he is still paying the ring off.

    But my point is - you can't compare his income to the amount he will spend on a ring.

    The diamond you want you should expect it to be $5000+ not less.

  11. this is what i told my boyfriend. ive been dating him almost 9 years. dont even bother buying me a ring unless its beautiful and at least 1 ct or up. we have been living together for almost 2 years. he has bought nice things for himself like a truck, pool table, a 1700 guitar, etc. i deserve a nice ring not matter how much it will cost. its a token of our love and i have to wear it and look at it everyday. i deserve something i want that is nice. he doesn't go crazy and spend tons of money on me or buy me all kinds of jewelry and such. i am not a spoiled girlfriend by all means. i just would like one thing i can be proud and brag about. so tell him what you want and you both figure out how to pay for it. in this day in age it isn't all the mans responsibility to pay for things. so if the price tag is 5 or 6 thousandd and thats what you want, then figure out how you can pay for it reasonably.

  12. spoiled.don't be a gold digger.the price of a ring means nothing ,what counts is the relationship.

  13. You should try

    They have great selection of engagement rings with extraordinary value for certified diamonds.

    Buying online would probably save you 30%...

  14. i would wait till you guys make more money. you guys don"t make a lot now. if you wait till you have higher incomes you will be able to afford what you want.  

  15. You shouldn't "expect" him to pay any more than he can afford. My engagement ring was only $1k and I am perfectly happy with that. I think you need to reevaluate your priorities and expectations. A 36k income isn't bad depending on where you live. I am on a 24k income and can reasonably afford my car payment, apartment rent, and other bills.

    Simply put: Don't put pressure on him and don't expect anything. If you do, you're making yourself look like a spoiled brat and ungrateful besides.

  16. I think if you are 'expecting' a ring of a certain price you are of the wrong state of mind. The engagement ring should be a surprise of his love rather than an expectation of income, perhaps you need to reevaluate what is important. if it turns out less than what you want you can always upgrade later

  17. my fiance also earns 36,000 a year and its not a big income 6000 for a ring to me is rediculous. He paid 1k for mine its only half a carret but i love it and i would never trade it for a bigger one. On top of the ring there is the cost of the ceremony, reception, wedding rings, dresses, suits, flowers etc. My diamond came with all the papers and i even got it looked at somewhere else just to make sure the papers wernt fake. Im the type of person who would prefer to spend money on the actual wedding and save for a house and put money away so we can afford to have kids then to pay for a stone. I wouldnt have cared if he proposed without a ring. He means more to me then a ring. The ring was a bonus.

  18. Honestly .... Wait for him to ask and be happy with what ever he presents you .... I am sure he will do that best that he can afford. Beside if he picks it with open loving heart for you it will BE PERFECT.  

  19. What you have to understand about your question is that you shouldn't be "expecting" anything in terms of what your engagement ring will look like. It's fine to drop hints to your guy for what you would like in an engagement ring, but flat out telling him what to get you would be very materialistic and would make it seem like you're more worried about the ring rather than what it means. I don't think you're a gold-digger or anything like that, but I also don't think you should be so specific in what you're expecting. Most girls just look at the cut of the diamond and the color of the band, lol!

    Just a note: $36K a year really is great pay for some one that age! Around here, teachers are lucky to start off at that! (And I should know because I'm studying to be a teacher!) The person who tried to pull that one obviously either doesn't know what they're talking about, or lives in one of those states where it takes $70K a year just to buy groceries.

  20. One should not be concerned with the price of the ring unless one is a materialistic grasping gold digger.

  21. an income of 36,000 per year is very low income, less than schoolteachers make. hardly enough to pay for an apartment and eat. I think you need to lower your expectations.

    edited to add: most women get about 1/2 carat. about 2000 US dollars. i recommend getting the best you/he can afford, cash only,  without going into debt.

    edited to argue: I respectfully disagree. He bought me a CERTIFIED quarter carat (AGS certificate) ideal cut stone. not all rings less than 2000 are junk, dear. My diamond had a pedigree. He bought us a house instead.

  22. First of all, you are being way too specific in your demands. You do not sound sincere.

    Why do you want him to go into debt for a ring? that is not smart at all. You are very young... Start off slowly.

    I find it is easy to get caught up in stuff when looking at magazines and watching tv and stuff. Don't compete with that stuff. I live in a ritzy area and all the women have 2,3 even 4 carat diamond rings. Mine is the smallest. But I LOVE it and love that my fiance took the time to pick it out and present it to me and ask me to be his wife. That is what matters to me.

    Honey, when my best friend got engaged right after we graduated college she got a 1/2 carat diamond on a thin gold band . It was a  thousand or so and what the guy could afford. That is reasonable at your age. Sorry to have to say that to you. If I saw a 23 year old with a giant ring, I would probably think it was fake.  

    You can upgrade your ring  later if you stay happy that you found the "perfect man" and don't worry so much about the perfect ring.

  23. Honestly I think you're expecting WAY too much. I'd say around 2k is about it. I mean unless HE wants to spend more, I wouldn't suggest showing him the ones that are 4-6k or higher, that's a little much. But anyways do your research online. Go to and check out a 1ct VS2. My fiance bought a 1ct VVS1 and it was about 4k. You need to do some research because you'll find with different specs you can get a better deal. Check around, the highest color and clairity aren't always needed, though I do suggest a good cut/clairity...and no less than I in color and you'll have an amazing diamond. But really, you shouldn't even try to esitmate what he might spend, it's truly up to him. I wouldn't press the issue either...but check out bluenile and also (that's where mine came from). Abazias beats out almost all online places for diamonds, so check around and compare similar diamonds. :)

  24. hey, ignore all these people about u being a gold digger, u clearly asked a simple question. to answer that, i would say yes if u get a diamond around 1 carat, i think it would cost atleast 3000 for a decent one. An example, my own diamond ring, i got in Asia (which is cheaper for diamonds) was a 1.01 carat and it was around $6700 US, it was a F colour, VS1, and very good cutting. with GIA certificate. i also got tiny diamonds on the band it was set on. and it was a 18K while gold band setting. but i heard from my friends, that if u drop to a 0.99 or even will go down by a $500, and if u drop to a S1 clarity, it will be a further $1000 off or more. I would say F colour is the lowest I would go as its classed as colourless. hope this helps. So...finally to answer ur question of a ''decent'' diamonds cost, I would say $4000 approx  

  25. I don't think people should put a price on such a thing.The thought of the matter is what counts.Love has no price.Just be thankful if he does ask you to marry him!!!

  26. I sell diamonds practicaly every day.  I see everything from people spending $100 - $17000 on a regular basis.  It all seems to come down to want BOTH of you want the ring to be.  It should be  a compromise (if neccessary) if you are involved with the process.  Make sure you explain to him why you want what you want.  If he doesn't agree with the size, quality, etc from a jewelry store that will let you upgrade later.  Whether you start with a solitare or the ring and a smaller center stone.  There is nothing spoiled about your question.  You should be planning on wearing it till death, why not have the size and quality you want or at least be working towards it.  

  27. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

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