
How much should parents charge their young adult for room and board?

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How much should parents charge their young adult for room and board?




  1. well my parents didnt charge me to live with them for a few months but i did give them money anyway for food or whatever because i am pregnant and sometimes eat a lot but they were letting me put back money for an apartment which i was able to do since im due this month but i moved out in march and i was there about 6 months i think because i was making an effort and trying to make things good for me and baby my parents did not care and i really appreciate but if they dont want to work or do anything i would say charge them then they will have to get out and get a job and actually do something

  2. Assuming the child is not going to school, has a full time job and would be able to live outside of the home, I would say about $250 a month.  Not a ton of money, but should ease your burden, teach them some responsability, but not drain their bank account.  They are learning to budget, right?  

    And what about one night where they fix the family dinner?  Give them a budget to work within, they cook and do the cleaning up. (Or maybe you help them do the cleaning up, just to be nice.)

  3. There are a lot of things to consider before anyone can answer that question. It depends on the parents circumstances and on the child's. If your parents really need help to maintain the household, the amount that they determine may be related to that amount. If your parents don't need help and are trying to teach you responsibilty, then you should consider how much money you make, and what your expenses are. If you are paying your college tuition, a car payment and insurance, buying your own clothing and helping with groceries, I'm sure that they would not expect as much as would from someone that doesn't go to college etc.

    One good starting point is to check out your local paper or Craig's list and find out how much it costs to rent a room in a home or apartment. It will vary by area but in my area, rooms are rented for five to six hundred a month and utilites are shared. Also, calculate how much it would cost to rent an apartment. Don't forget that you will have additional expenses like telephone bills, PG and E, sometimes water and garbage, cable TV, internet, etc.

    I hope that this info helps. It should at least be a good starting point to get a conversation going.

  4. I would say nothing.  Young adults (13-18) should be responsible for getting a good education, not paying their parents rent.  It's a parents responsibility to provide a stable home for a child, not the other way around.

    We aren't talking about an adult child that has come back to the home, then they should pay rent, at the beginning no.

  5. When I fist started getting youth allowance from the government I was paying $100 a fortnight to my mum out of the $170 I was receiving.

  6. This question can't be accurately answered because it totally depends on the circumstances. Such as: if they have a job or not, their age, how much money they have, how much money you need, the reason you're charging them, where you live....

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