
How much should someome bring to mexico.?

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Were going to mexico how much should we bring for things like food and spending money.

We are staying a week.




  1. It really depends upon where you are going and what you intend to do while you are there.  You can use US dollars - they spend on a 10 to 1 ratio so, it is easy math.  You can also use Mexican ATMs.  They dispense pesos and you can trade back any that you do not spend, when you return to the US.  (I avoid the airport exchange counters.  I expect them to have bad rates, but I'm not sure if that is true.  I convert foreign money at my bank when I return to the US, Wells or BofA).

  2. Buy your pesos in Mexico, spend them there, we need the money.

  3. glad I stumbled across this question, I was planning to exchange before I left for mexico... anyone know if its best to deposit remaining pesos from a mexican ATM b4 returning to US or easiest to just exchange in US?

  4. As others have mentioned, your best bet is to use the ATMs and get local money (pesos) as you need it once you're there. You'll get the best exchange rate and the safety of not having to carry much cash with you (for the record, most Mexican cities are much safer than comparably-sized US cities, but still, it's never good to carry too much cash, whether you are in the US, France or Mexico).

    As soon as you arrive (in the airport or port), withdraw at least US$100 so that you can pay for taxi or bus, food, etc... in pesos from the get-go. Most businesses will gladly take your dollars, but to keep things simple they simply pay around 10 pesos per dollar, whereas the ATM will probably pay you around 10.50 or 10.75 depending on the exchange rate of the day... it doesn't seem like much money, but it piles up.

    If this is your first visit to Mexico, prepare to be surprised (in a good way), it's a beautiful country with delicious food, jaw-dropping nature and warm, helpful, beautiful people all over. Enjoy it!

  5. You don't have to bring much as there are A.T.M.s all over and probably at most int airports and they except almost all cards with a few exceptions and they have had problems with American express.

    Do NOT exchange your money at home.

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