
How much should the driver's wives be involved in their career??

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I see the gambit out there from Jimmie's wife following him around constantly to some wives that you never see around the track.




  1. I think that depends largely on the driver and his wife. There's no "mold" for a wife to follow in this sport.

  2. Behind every good man is a good woman.  

  3. I think they should be involved as much as they can, as long as it doesn't hurt the marriage/relationship.  The driver's that are married but have no children should be involved alot, at least to be there for support. I think it's circumstances that keep some of the wives from attending every race. For example, Dario Franchitti is married to Ashley Judd. With her acting career. I'm sure she can't make it to most of the races, and if she does I'm sure she is well protected (from being mobbed by fans and press). Others have more than one child and the children's needs should come first. Sure, they take them to lot's of races, but I'm sure with children its harder to get to all of them. But I'm sure that with or without the presence of the wife, she is giving  her hubby tons of support, via text or phone or what have you.  

  4. As much as they want to be ,within reason. If a driver's wife wants a job for the team she can get one. They always have job to do, like lap times, fuel mileage, helping check tire pressures. I by no means think that these are just little busy jobs for the Missus, they are important, and most races vital to a good finish. She can also work in the P.R., assistant side of things for those who don't want to be in the pits. So long story short, if they want in, they can get in easily.

    Should they be there, I think so. A marriage is a partnership, and being a race driver means being where the races are. Some drivers' families are quite large, and it is unfair to expect the wife to be able to handle it all, all the time. With the wife employed with her husband, they are able to travel with the driver, and keep the family closer.

  5. with the hectic schedule a supportive wife that has an active role in the drivers career can be a blessing if she doesn't try to dominate it. it was always said that teresa was the one that helped bring dale his fortune by pushing for him to retain the rights to his likeness on anything that was sold. other wives help very much with charitable organizations they both want to support. if the two of them work as a team when possible i think it helps make their lifestyle more bearable.

  6. I think they should definitely be there, ready to rub his back or bring him a cold beer...

    okay, okay and also to tell him how wonderful he is... that's pretty much it.

  7. Pretty much a lot, they are like the assistants or sometimes manager...

  8. As much as they want to. Delana Harvick is an example of a wife who's involved in her husband's career in a good way. She helps Kevin out, while maintaining an identity of her own.

    But I don't think they should be judged if they don't want to be at the track every single race and by his side every single minute. You can be supportive and still do your own thang.

  9. Well like any marriage it's a partnership, you need to support each other in what you decide to do in life. I have been married 11 years to the same beautiful wife who has supported me thru good times and bad...without that support I wouldn't be where I am today. I feel the driver's wives should be supporting them but I understand that some of them can't stand to watch their husbands race (afraid something bad will happen). I'm instantly reminded of Martha Jarrett....never could stand to watch her husband NED the 1993 Daytona 500 she couldn't watch Dale (her son) race but couldn't stand not knowing how he did....CBS cameras watched as she listened to it in their personal vehicle listening to it on MRN with tears in her eyes. My point is she may not have been down pit road....but she was still supporting the best she could by praying and hoping. I'm sure the wives you don't see are probably in the same situation....and if they have kids chances are they couldn't be down pit road anyhow. But I'm sure they are involved....great question.

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