
How much should we give the pastor?

by Guest56176  |  earlier

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Not sure on what is a proper amount to give the pastor that is performing our ceremony.....please help.




  1. We are giving $200 to the general church fund and a $150 gift to the pastor. We are members so the space and time are free of charge so it's a free-will gift.  

  2. Call you church and ask. Some churches have a set donation amount for weddings

    Some churches have fees like this:

    Sanctuary No Charge for members / $300 for non-members

    *Pastor $250.00

    *Organist $200.00

    *Coordinator $200.00

    *Janitor $ 150.00

    *Sound Technician  $75.00  (operates the sound room, CD player and DVD player ~ if needed)

  3. Do they have a church secretary? If they do you should ask him/her. They will usually know the amount that most people give.. We gave our Pastor $200.00, which I think is the usual amount. If you feel that he did an outstanding job then you could always give him more.

  4. Hi.  I work as church secretary, so my suggestion is to call the church office and speak with the secretary.  OR....ask the pastor directly!  Most all churches/pastors have a set fee (usually $100 and up) for their services.

    If they do NOT have a set fee or say "we leave it up to the discretion of the couple," then I would give him/her at least $100.  If he/she has met with you a number of times prior to the wedding, then maybe $150 would be more in order.

    Hope this helps!

  5. Check with the church. Ours has a guide. It reads like this:

    Damage deposit $50

    wedding coordinator (liaison between couple and the minister)-$100

    sound technician-$50

    Use of sanctuary and 2 dressing rooms $50

    use of fellowship hall for reception $50

    janitor $50

    They do at least 5 sessions of pre-marital counselling that is free.

    They also charge if you want the platform cleared. Because of the sensivity of all of the musical and sound equipment, they discourage that, but will do it if you want it done.

    We considered that all to be a donation to our church. I know that the costs are higher for someone who is not a regular attender or member.

    The guide also listed suggested amounts for the honorarium for the musicians and the minister

    minister $50-100

    musicians $50-100

    I know I've seen other people list larger amounts for the minister. We live in the midwest and I'm not sure what the "going rate" is. Because our minister is also a close friend, we are planning to give above the suggested amount.

  6. we gave $400

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