
How much should you tip the server in a restaurant?

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How much should you tip the server in a restaurant?




  1. About 15 per cent. If they really go out of their way then probably 20 per cent ................

  2. 15 % minimum  more for good service

    we have an 8% tax rate here, and usually double the tax for minimum tip

  3. at least 18% after tax. 20% or more for outstanding service. Do not buy into that 1$ per person stuff. That might work at the diner where the meals are all under $10, but I've worked in restaurants where the cheapest meal on the menu was $48 and I would sometimes expect up to a 70 dollar tip per couple.

  4. if the service was alright then its 15% if it was really nice then it ranges from 20% to 25%

  5. I dont believe it should be a percentage.  Just because you ordered something cheap, doesn't mean the waitstaff worked any less.  I always do at least $2 per person, most likely $3, today at applebees my bill was $25, and I tipped $7, service was good and he remembered me from last time and kept my iced tea full.  Always a plus, you dont want to be a bad tipper, get the same wait staff twice and have them botch your food or do something gross on purpose.

  6. 'twould have to be awful good service for a 25% tip...I am not cheep but My Max tips are 10% for a simple meal... with fair service...If I was expected to tip over 15 %    I would never go to a restaurant........but it always Depends on the service.....

    I left one penny one time for crummy service and food that I hardly could eat.........

  7. i leave £1-50

  8. anywhere between 15% and 20% is standard...

  9. How hard is it to figure out 15% for decent service, and 20% for great service??? How about the jerks who don't tip... Do you people know we have to pay taxes on tips you DON'T LEAVE US ??? And our wage is $2.30 an hour?  I think you people pretend to not know, and play dumb to save a buck, You are not fooling anyone, and we remember you next time you come in ....ha! ha! ha! THINK ABOUT IT!!!

  10. an easy way to do this is triple the tax on your bill, if you feel that it's not enough add more, the waiter or waitdress has to claim 8% of your bill for tax purposes.

  11. as a server myself, i like to get 18-20%.

    if the service is good, then that should be well deserved.

    an easy way to calculate 20% is to just double the first number of the bill (or frst 2 numbers if its over 100$). for example if the bill is 50$, tip 10$. or if its 100$, tip 20$.

    i dont agree at all with the other answer that said tip 1$ a person. a table of 5's bill is usually about 60-100$. so getting a 5$ tip would make me think that table is CHEAP!

  12. 15 to 20 percent

  13. $1 per person. Like if 5 people went out to eat, you should tip the server $5.

  14. depends on how much I spend in that restaurent

  15. Pay no attention to that $1.00 per person .. must have been a female teacher I used to work with that said that .. when we would go out to eat I always had to make an excuse to go back to the table for something just so I could add more money to her tip!  Although 15% is acceptable it has become more like 20%.  As someone already said, if the service was outstanding you could go higher .. especially if you had a large party.  Anything less than 15% means you are really cheap and should stay the h**l home!  If the food was bad it was not the server's fault.  By the same token, the server should not serve the food and disappear but come back and check fairly soon.  If the food was not edible then ask to order something else. Most restaurants would rather give you something else than have you badmouth their establishement.  As a sideline .... I am most embarassed by women and tipping.  I find that waitstaff hate to wait on women - even only one - as we have a rep of being so cheap.  That's probably why I always overtip - hoping the person gets the message that not all of us are that way!

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