
How much should you tip when you eat out ?

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This is a point of controversy between my husband and I : he's much too generous, I am quite tight on money. He says it should be 15%, I say 10% (even though, if it were up to me, I would tip 50 cents. Period.). He's American, I am European...different point of views...but I'd like to do like Americans do, since I'm here...




  1. Etiquette rules say 15%, but servers don't make good money from 15% all night.  They only make $2.30 an hour - which they never see due to taxes.  If the service is good, go for 20%.

  2. I think it depends on the situation. If you're eating a meal with the family and/or friends, 15-20% should cover it.

    But if you're eating by yourself (as I do a lot), I normally go 3 dollars or so (which could be as much as 30% of the total cost of the meal depending where you go)

  3. The minimum that is acceptable is 15%.  Considering that this is where most servers make their money (their wages are usually considerably lower than minimum wage), I always tip at least 15%, regardless of the level of service.  For great or exceptional service, I tip between 20% and 30%.  I am also pretty forgiving, I try to keep in mind how difficult my order or party was, and how many tables it looks like my server is handling.

  4. Top notch resturant with excellent service 20-25%

    Average resturant with excellent service 15%

    Top notch resturant with average service 15-17%

    Average resturant with average service 12%

    Poor service 10%

  5. It's been 15% to 17% for a long time now.  Your husband is just tipping in the same way that Americans tip.  So, listen to him.  He's right.

  6. Tipping is a highly controversial subject, Servers tend to think they are ENTITLED to a 20% tip. Not so. If the service is excellent, 20%, normal, 18% fair, 15% poor 10% and a consultation with the Matre'D or manager.

    (Personally I object to the American  notion that a customer should pay for food delivery. The price should be adjusted accordingly and the servers paid a decent wage with an added tip if warranted.)

  7. If you do not want to tip, do not go out to eat in the U.S.


  8. Honey you know what they say "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"

    So in America, we tip 15-20%.  No if's and's or buts!!!  UNDERSTOOD!  Servers make next to nothing on the hourly pay and depend a great deal on the tip.  If you are so inclined to even mention that you would give 50 cents then do the wait staff a favor and STAY HOME!

  9. 15% for average service

    20% or more for excellent service

    10% for not so great service

    5 - 0% for bad service

  10. It is generous to do 15%, but most people tip between 10-15 %. You guys could split it in the middle of 10 and 15 percent, so you could do 12 or 13% if you want.

  11. I personally do 20% as a base average service.

  12. Customs involving tipping varies greatly between countries.  In US, if the service was up to the industry standard, customers are expected to tip 15%.  This is because those in service industry are paid far lower than the minimum wage with expectations that they earn their wage in form of tips.

    When wage and tip income does not equal to the minimum wage, the employer is expected (by law) to make up the difference.  However, if this type of things happen too often, it is an indication that the staff involved is a bad worker.  His/her future in restaurant business will be limited at best.

    If you are in other countries where tipping is not required or suggested, OR one dollar or less, service personnels are paid accordingly by the employer and this amount is already rolled into the price of the food.  In US, this is not so.  

    It is just different ways of doing business.  In the end, you pay the same.  

    Of course, if the service is not adaquate, you are entitled to pay no tip or very little.  When I get great service, personally, I have left up to 30% tip in recognition of the great service.  20% is not out of ordinary in some places.

    By the way, if you get unacceptable and simply awful service, the custom here is to leave a penny (1 cent) to indicate, you didn't forget to tip.... but the service was only worth 1 cent.  It is a great insult to service people and it is used very sparingly.

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