
How much sleep does a 16 yr old girl need to function?

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my daughter takes dexedrine for adhd....she has meds for nighttime. She gets angry if i ask her when/if she has taken her PM meds. i give her AM meds about 30 min b4 she gets up in the morning. i realize the meds do allow her to wake up in the morning, but when i tell her, that her mind will take a rest during the day, which doesnt allow her to function as well as she could. She says its none of my business. She says its a matter of TRUST. I realize when studying for a test or completing an assignment she might have to stay up a little late I try to allow for that. But when no homework is being done, just watching tv, or straighteening her hair, I get angry because I think she needs to be in bed and close to sleep on school nights by 11PM. I have gotten up at 12:30AM & she is watching TV laying on her bed....saying it is her business what time she goes to bed.




  1. Who's the parent ?

    I agree the T.V needs to be removed for better monitoring my 16yr old stepdaughter is Failing all her classes because Her dad believes everything she tells him I nagged him to get that T.V out and it helped her grades Did go up ...but guess what he put it back in and this last report card all Fails Again!!!  I tell him she is his daughter the Failure.

  2. Your daughter may think differently, but she needs about eight hours of sleep each night. Therefore, if she has to wake up at seven in order to get ready for school, she should go to bed between ten and eleven at night.

    Also, take away the TV. Nobody needs a TV in their room.

  3. Average 16 year old should get about 8-9 hours of sleep.

  4. more than she wants

  5. Take the tv out of her room and assert some parental authority.  It is NOT her business what time she goes to bed.  It may be her business what time she goes to sleep.  And, apparently she is meeting the bedtime requirement of being in bed by 11pm.  She's just watching tv instead of sleeping.  Remove the tv.

  6. It sound like something you may want to talk to about with the doctor that handles here medications..

  7. she should have 7-10 hrs less no more...

  8. Most people function best with around 6-7 hours of sleep.

    If you don't want her watching TV in her bed, then take the TV away.  Its nice of you to steward over her medicines, but i'm surprised she doesn't take them herself, being 16 and all.

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