
How much sleep should I get???

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I am 15, and going to be a sophomore. I want to know how much sleep is optimal. I have heard that sleep is one of the most important things for school, and want to be in the top ten in my class.

How much sleep a night should I get?




  1. around 10 hours for weekdays and sleep in on the weekends, lol.

  2. 8 hours

  3. 5:30

  4. If youre out partying,then get three hours,or 2.RAVE!

  5. 8 hours is the basic. I would suggest AT LEAST 8 hours. Although some people claim they can work just fine on less. I usually need like 9. I like sleep. =)

  6. 8-10 hours

  7. i recommend 9 hours.  teens need more sleep than adults.  nine is good.

  8. 7 or more hours will get you through the day fine.

  9. 10 hours ;D  

  10. I personally like 11 hours haha, but i never get it so i settle for nine

  11. 8 is optimal, and sleeping on regular schedule also helps (ie, don't sleep in over the weekend!)

  12. I know that i best to get 8 hour of sleep each night. but if you can't  well try to get as much as you can... Sleep is very important so that you can do well in school.

    Good luck at school

  13. 8 hours is a must. I'm, going to be a sophomore too and last year I would always get and extra hour of sleep just to make sure I was ready for the next day--especially when i had big tests/presentations. I always get 9 hours of sleeps and guess what? I have one of the highest averages in my school :]

    The thing about sleep is, you can't do it one day and not the other. You have to be consistent or you will not see any results.

    good luck.

  14. 8-10 hours.  

    but if you see that your body doesn't need a lot of sleep you can be on the lower end of that.  respond to your body, seeing if you need more or less.

    the younger you are the more you will need because your body and mind are still growing.

    but get at least 8 hrs.

  15. around 8 hours. i think it varies from different ppl

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