
How much smirnoff ice or WKD would make me drunk?

by Guest61984  |  earlier

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Im 9 stone female, dont drink that much. how many in term of the 275ml bottles to give me a buzz? and how many to get totally wasted? roughly...





  1. since you don't drink much, i would say 3 for a little buzz and 6 to get wasted, with smirnoff ice. I don't know what wkd is..

  2. Wait until you come out of your hangover stage, then count the bottles all around you.

    That should give you a rough estimate.


  3. Ok, WKD will get you really wrecked fast, some say it's all the chemicals - I don't know if that's true but be warned if you're drinking those AND Smirnoff. Anyroad, get between 4 and 6 and just stop drinking if you get too wrecked, you can drink again tomorrow!

  4. im assuming your talkin about the malt beverage.. and in that case it basically a typical beer so about 4-5 buzzed and 6-8 pretty tipsy.. of course alot else factors in to that weight, sleep, and what u have ate so far that day.

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