
How much snow is good for skiing/snowboarding? Mammoth will be getting 2 feet. Will this last me for 4 weeks?

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I am a beginner snowboarder. All my friends are like, "ohh no man you can't go to Mammoth Mountain now there's no snow." But isn't there plenty of snow if it's getting 2 feet?

Also, I am going snowboarding late december early january. If it does not snow until then will I have enough snow to last me?




  1. it depends whether they can make snow and if it stay could enough

    if so, yes

    go ahead

    have fun

  2. Two feet is not nearly enough for anything extreme, but you stated you were a beginner so the man-made on the groomers will be ok.  I don't quite understand the "get enough snow to last me" statement, what are you planning on doing?

  3. Hi,

    Well certainly the snow won't last for a month, But it may last over 1 week if theres no rain and high temperatures...

    And yes January and December are good times to go skiing & snowboarding...

    All the best...Have a nice time!!!

  4. Where do you live? If you live in snow country, then just look for some slopes that make their own snow. There's sure to be some snow on a mountain somewhere...

  5. no way man

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