
How much space does a chicken need?

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How many metres or centimetres of space does each chicken need as private space?




  1. I don't know but soon hopefully ill have to be finding out my self because i want to have my own chicken eggs instead of a producers eggs from a grocer.  Check this website out it will tell you anything you want to know and has articles on nearly everything.

  2. These are the minimum space requirements. Please read the two references listed below before trying to start raising chickens. I feel sure that you will want to allow them more space than the minimum required.

    Type / Age   Square feet of floor space

    Hatch - 6 weeks-             .8 to 1

    6 - 20 weeks.                    1 to 2

    Roasters 12 - 20 weeks  2 to 3

    Maturity (5 - 6 months)

        Brown egg layers          2 to 2,5

        White egg layers           1.5 to 2

  3. I think it would depend on the breed of chicken but most of them dont really need that much space. In egg laying production houses, sometimes the hens are kept in a cage just big enough to stand in. If you want them to be happy, I would give them at least 9 or 10 square feet at least.That way they can walk around. They also need vertical space since they dont like to sleep on the ground. Just put a perch about 2 or 3 feet up so they can roost there.

  4. If you want healthy, happy, productive chickens give them as much space as you can.  My chickens (24) have a 10 x 14 foot coop, a yard that is approx four times the size of the coop (maybe more) AND they get let out of the yard almost every day.  There's enough unused roosting area in the coop that I could still add a few more birds.  The chickens are healthier.  The eggs and meat they produce are more flavorful and more nutritious.

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