
How much spending money do I need for Tahiti?

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My hubby and I are spending 6 nights in Bora Bora and our breakfasts and dinners are included, but not alcohol. We've already paid for 4 excursions (water safari, 4 wheel drive, bloody marys, intro diving) and plan on adding a couple more when we get there. How much money should we bring for spending, extra excursions, meals, alcohol, etc?




  1. We're going to Tahiti for our honeymoon too :) (We're also going to Bora Bora, Moorea and Tikehau). I haven't been to there before, but I've been on lots of tropical vacations. I think you already have more than enough excursions for 6 days. Getting prepared for and traveling to an excursion can take a long time (sometimes the whole day or half a day) so I would leave the other 2 days open for relaxing on the beach or doing something more spontaneous.

    Since your breakfast & dinner is included you could get away with not having lunch. You might be too busy exploring to stop and eat anyway. When we travel we like to bring granola bars and that kind of stuff to eat throughout the day. It's great to have on you if you have an active day planned, and it's cheap. Bora Bora is notoriously expensive so if you do want to have a sit down lunch there you can expect to pay about $20-40 per lunch.

    I'm guessing alcoholic drinks will cost you about $5-10 each including tip. You might be able to save money by going to a local bar on the beach if such a place exists. I'm going to be looking for one! This can really change your budget depending on if you want to have just a few drinks or lots of drinks.

    So, I think you should bring a minimum of $600 spending money for your vacation, and up to $1000 if you plan on drinking a lot, going on more excursions and buying gifts to take back home.

  2. Keep your valuables in the safe or deep inside your purse which you keep with you at all times. As a women, be alert when moving about grounds a lone. Get some Bug Spray, Bora Bora has a lot of bugs. Don't forget your camera and extra batteries.

    As for cash, I would just take a lot. Whatever you have left can be put into a savings account when you return home.

  3. Bring about 10-15 for each alcoholic drink. Bring a couple hundred (400 maybe) if you want to do spa stuff at your resort. Bring another 100 for sodas and postcards and lunch if you go exploring around the main island of Bora Bora.

    Other than that, sounds like your expenses are already covered. We only used cash exploring the main island of Bora Bora. At the resort you just charge to your room so you dont need cash.

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