
How much spending money for a 3 night trip to Paris?

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I may be going to paris for 3 nights in August with my boyfriend, but how much money shall we take. The hotel is bed and breakfast only and im thinking we wont need to eat much for lunch if we have breakfast and its just generally dinner and whatever else there is to pay for in Paris.

I was thinking maybe £100 each? We probably wont be going to the themepark but were clueless on what to take lol




  1. I live in Paris. I believe you should have a good €1.000 if you go to Paris. Because just think - it's a fashion capital. There for the city is very expensive to shop, eat and to tour. And also everything cost money... even some toilet rooms cost €1.00 to utilize. And also you don't want to be shopping in a boutique sales window and wish that you could purchase that one thing you desire but yet your a few Euro's € short :)

  2. It depends on what kinda person you are. If your a high-end tourist than that £100 will only be enough for the taxi to an LV store. If your low-end then... hm... I still don't think £100 will be enough.

    It doesn't matter though. Most banks don't charge to use the ATM's in foreign countries (check the ATM your using though, because the ATM itself might charge you). These days all you need is some cash in your wallet and a credit/debit card!

    BTW you really need to check out disney world paris. For the two of you I think it'll be like a £200 trip assuming you buy souvenirs.

    Its impossible to say how much you should bring. When someone goes for a good meal out, there are various levels of what 'good' is considered as. Wine isn't just wine, there is cheap and there is ridiculous. Your question is kind of like asking how much a car is or how long is a piece of string.

  3. At the current exchange rate that is something less than 125 euros per person or a bit more than 40 euros per person per day.  It would be tight but possible.

    If you are British you may find a French breakfast rather light since the standard is cafe au lait, perhaps some juice, and bread or a roll.

    The French don't eat dinner until rather late by British standards. Few restaurants serve before 7:30 PM.

    You should therefore consider eating you main meal at noon when prices are also lower than in the evening.

    There are many places, along the rue Mouffetard in the 5th arrondissement for example, where a three course meal with a glass of wine included can be had for 10-12 euros.

    In the evenings think of eating a sandwich or a crepe from one of the many street stands.

    In August the weather will be nice and walking is always a good way to see Paris in any case. With efificent use of public transport you can probably get by with no more than two trips on the Metro or a bus each day. buying transport tickets in a "carnet" of 10 brings the cost of each trip down to 1.11 euros.

    There are a lot of sights that cost nothing to see. Churchs like Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur for example. Others can be viewed for free even if you don't choose to enter. The Eiffel Tower is a perfect example. The view from the top is nice enough but its no great loss not to pay to travel to the top especially when the view of Paris from the plaza in front of Sacre Coeur is just as good and costs nothing.

    EDIT: If its only two full days then I think you'll have no problem.

  4. You definetly need more than that. At least 300 euros each. You don't want to run out of money abroad. Good Luck!

    P..S. I'd take extra money and not spend all of it.

  5. £250 each

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