
How much spending money should i bring to spain???

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I am currently bringing £700 do you think that is enough??




  1. I went all inclusive so all food and drink was there and I had £300 spending money for 2 weeks, I did last me but thank goods it was only for outside drinking and clubs.

  2. £700 is definitely NOT enough especially for 2 weeks.  Things are expensive over there and if you want to do extra activities or things like that you should bring more money.  So bring about  ÃƒÂ‚£1200 and I believe that would be enough for 2 weeks.

  3. Thats up to you, what you plan to see, do , eat and buy while you´re here..


    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

  4. £700 will be more than enough,it's cheap overthere,i recently went with £250 spending money for 2 weeks,and that was enough,i went on 4 trips and went out most nights.If you eat out it's really cheap.

  5. how long are you there for and how many people is spending money for?

    also do you have food included in your holiday package or will you have to buy it?

    Seen your updated information, i think £700 would be okay but if you could take a bit more then take it just in case. Best thing is to budget your money when you get there, divide it by the amount of days you are there. If on any day you have some left keep it aside as an emergency fund.

  6. Sounds like enough

  7. Hi sweeite

    In my think 2000 $ to 1500 $, because spain  is very beutfull city

  8. Depends what package if any you've booked.

    It's not cheap anymore to eat out unless you leave the centres, so just take your card as well, as there's loads of cashline machines there.

    See the Spain reports and they may talk about prices.

  9. It's just right, if you're not planning on spending a lot in clothes and stuff, which could be a bit expensive if you share my tendency to buy everything you like...

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