
How much spyware/virus protection do i need?

by  |  earlier

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I am at renewal time on all my software, and I am currently running trend micro antivirus plus antispyware, PC tools spyware doctor, and Webroot spysweeper. They all come up all the time, but I wasn't sure about what to renew, and would I be just as safe if I only had one? I have already renewed the Trend antivirus/spyware I need the others?




  1. The minimum recommended protection is:





    E-Mail Scanning

    You should only have one anti-virus and firewall program installed at a time. Having more than one of these can cause them to interfere, and even damage your PC.

    However, you can have more than one anti-spyware program installed.

  2. Keep the trend, trash the rest. Never purchase an antispyware program. theres too many out there that are WAY better and free! :)

  3. I use three tools for my PC plus a hardware firewall built into my router. Other than my router, all are free and I have never had a problem. I use AVG Free, ThreatFire, and Windows Defender. If you have a serious spy-ware problem, get Spy-bot. Again, this is free. Now of course without mentioning it, I also have just the Windows Firewall to supplement my SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) hardware Firewall. you can continue to pay if you like, but some of the best that I have used and continue to use, are free.

  4. Avast is a good anti-virus  [Free home edition]

    Avira is also a good anti-virus

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